领衔日本体操男队出征奥运的“全能王”内村航平近日各种尴尬。澡洗一半热水变凉水,机场被人叫错名字,偶然查个话费,账单金额竟高达5000美元。产生巨额话费的原因是这位王牌选手在里约玩起了风靡全球的Pokémon Go。但是!尽管里约市长曾敦促任天堂在巴西发布游戏,奥运村也并没有小精灵可抓啊~

Japanese gymnast Kohei Uchimura apparently ran up a ridiculously expensive Pokémon Go bill after heading to Rio on July 20. However, what is really interesting is that you can’t play Pokémon Go in Rio.
Aside from athletes being robbed, subpar accommodations, feces in the water, and the Russian doping scandals, one of the big stories of the 2016 Rio Olympics is that you can’t catch any Pokémon in Brazil.
British Olympian Joe Clarke posted a photo showing the lack of Pokémon in the area to his Twitter account:
No Pokemon in Deodoro Olympic venue! Or in Brazil!?? @NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp @Pokemon #PokemonGO
— Joe Clarke (@joeclarkek1) July 26, 2016
德奥多罗奥运场馆没有小精灵!还是巴西都没有??@NianticLabs @PokemonGoApp @Pokemon #PokemonGO
— 乔•克拉克 (@joeclarkek1) 2016年7月26日
So when you hear Uchimura ran up a 500,000 yen, or $5,000, phone bill while playing Pokémon Go, the first question you probably have is: how?
Well, apparently Uchimura didn’t get the memo that there are no Pokémon to be caught in Rio, which means the gymnast must’ve been walking around building up crazy roaming charges, all while never catching anything.
Luckily for Uchimura, he was spared from having to pay the entire bill after pleading with the phone company. Instead, the company agreed to charge him a flat rate of around $30 per day and waive the extra cost, according to USA Today.
“I really lucked out,” Uchimura told Kyodo News, a Tokyo based news company.
For all the other Olympians going to Rio, let Uchimura serve as a lesson. Keep the Pokémon Go app closed while you’re in Brazil. There is nothing to catch.