China’s homegrown answer to SpaceX has outlined plans to invest $1.5bn in a space travel and future technology theme park, as the group prepares for manned tests of Asia’s first near-space tourism project.
Hong Kong-listed KuangChi Science has already conducted unmanned tests for a high-altitude balloon called the Traveller. It is equipped with communications and weather-monitoring components, but is also intended to take tourists to 24km above the earth.
在香港上市的光启科学(KuangChi Science)已经完成了“旅行者”号(Traveller)高空气球的无人驾驶试验。这种高空气球装载着通信和天气监测设备,但也打算将游客送上24千米的高空。
Manned tests are planned over the next two years, the company said.
Chinese media has dubbed the company’s chairman, Liu Ruopeng, “the Elon Musk of China”, referring to the founder of Tesla and SpaceX.
中国媒体将光启科学董事长刘若鹏称为“中国的埃隆•马斯克”(Elon Musk),后者是特斯拉(Tesla)和SpaceX的创始人。
Shenzhen-based KuangChi is developing a range of what it calls “future technologies”, including a powered exoskeleton suit. It has made several overseas acquisitions and launched a $50m investment fund targeting technology start-ups in Israel, with plans to establish a second fund soon.
While its goals are less ambitious than projects such as Virgin Galactic — which aim to propel tourist-laden crafts across the 100km-high Karman line into what is officially considered space — KuangChi is among several private projects attempting to send leisure passengers to twice the altitude of commercial aircraft.
虽然光启科学的目标没有SpaceX和维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)那样远大——这两家公司希望推动载有旅客的飞船越过海拔100公里的“卡门线”(Karman Line)、进入正式的太空——但它跻身于数个私营部门项目之列,旨在把休闲旅客送上两倍于商业飞机飞行高度的高空。
The plans come as SpaceX has suffered a series of challenges. Its pilotless Falcon 9 rocket exploded on its Florida launch pad last week, and in June a cargo flight bound for the International Space Station broke apart in mid-air.
光启科学公布上述计划之际,SpaceX遇到了一系列挑战。上周,SpaceX的一枚无人驾驶的猎鹰9号(Falcon 9)火箭在佛罗里达州的发射台上发生爆炸;去年6月,SpaceX的一枚火箭在向国际空间站(International Space Station)运输货物途中解体。
The Kuang-Chi group, parent company of KuangChi Science, said the space and future park it plans to build in the Chinese city of Hangzhou will showcase technologies, including a ride designed to give visitors the sensation of space travel in the Traveller balloon.
光启科学的母公司光启集团(Kuang-Chi group)表示,计划在中国杭州建造的这座太空旅游和未来科技主题公园,将展示各种技术,包括一种能让游客们感觉到自己正在乘坐“旅行者”号气球游览太空的模拟飞行装置。
Set up in 2010, the company bought a majority stake last year in Martin Jetpack, which makes an individual flight craft. It also bought a stake in a Canadian company that produces a hybrid aircraft called Solar Ship.
创立于2010年的光启科学,去年收购了个人飞行器制造商Martin Jetpack的多数股权。它还收购了生产混合动力飞机的加拿大厂商Solar Ship的部分股份。