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    Australia has defended the recent blocking of two big Chinese investments in the country’s energy and agriculture sectors, warning that future bids by state-owned enterprises will face tough scrutiny.


    Barnaby Joyce, deputy prime minister, said while the government would not automatically exclude bids for Australian assets by state-owned companies, it would be “a lot more cautious”.

    澳大利亚副总理巴纳比•乔伊斯(Barnaby Joyce)称,虽然澳大利亚政府不会自动排除国有企业对澳资产的竞购,但会“谨慎得多”。

    “If our government was going to go out and start buying farmland, people would say ‘that is socialism, mate’,” he said. “So why do we think it is in another government’s interest to buy farmland? We believe in private enterprise, which means private individuals owning assets, not governments.”


    In an interview with the Financial Times conducted on the same day that a government report said a foreign power — alleged by state broadcaster ABC to be China — had hacked into Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology and stolen data last year, Mr Joyce said these types of actions would inevitably be factored into investment decisions.


    “Obviously if a government is conducting any actions that are against a nation’s interest, then of course all aspects of the government’s involvement becomes an issue that people observe,” he added, without mentioning a specific country.


    Australia’s concerns come amid a wave of Chinese investment in housing, agriculture and public infrastructure assets in many developed economies. Canberra has progressively tightened foreign investment rules over the past two years and is working on a new framework on infrastructure.


    This year Australia blocked State Grid Corporation, a Chinese state-owned enterprise, and Hong Kong-based Cheung Kong Infrastructure from submitting A$10bn-plus bids for electricity company Ausgrid.

    今年,澳大利亚阻止了中国国有的国家电网公司(State Grid Corporation)以及总部位于香港的长江基建(Cheung Kong Infrastructure)对澳大利亚电力公司Ausgrid提出的超过100亿澳元的收购要约。

    It also blocked a Chinese consortium from buying S Kidman & Co, a cattle farm stretching across more than 1 per cent of Australia’s land mass.

    澳大利亚政府还阻止了一家中国财团收购基德曼公司(S Kidman & Co)——一家拥有澳大利亚全境逾1%土地的畜牧公司。

    Canberra cites “national interest” and “security concerns” when explaining why it derailed the bids — decisions that caused confusion among some foreign investors and prompted calls from Beijing for Australia to be “open and transparent” and “avoid discrimination”.


    Mr Joyce rejected claims Australia was succumbing to protectionism, saying it is the “most liberal country in the world” in allowing foreigners to invest in domestic assets. However, he said that Canberra had the right to say no.


    “If they went to buy that much land in England, there would be a riot. What I dislike is that when on the odd occasion where we say no, people say we are xenophobes or bigots.”


    Australia has relied on foreign investment to drive its economy and in the past rarely rejected bids outright.


    But since coming to power in 2013 the Liberal-National coalition has tightened investment rules and blocked three significant transactions, including the proposed takeover of Australian agribusiness GrainCorp by Archer Daniels Midland of the US.

    但自从2013年自由党(Liberal)与国家党(National)联合执政以来,澳大利亚政府制定了更严格的投资规定,并阻止了三起重要交易,包括美国阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰(Archer Daniels Midland,ADM)收购澳大利亚农业公司GrainCorp的计划。

    Mr Joyce, leader of the National party, which has a strong rural support base, has been a driver of tough new foreign investment rules in the agricultural sector.


    He publicly voiced his concerns about the Chinese bid for Kidman, led by private company Shanghai Pengxin, before the government blocked the transaction.

    他曾公开表示对中国人竞购基德曼公司感到担忧,该交易由中国民企上海鹏欣集团(Shanghai Pengxin)牵头,随后澳大利亚政府阻止了这笔交易。

    This week one of his friends, billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart, made a A$365m bid in partnership with Shanghai Cred Real Estate to buy most of Kidman. “Gina is a good mate of mine, that is why I have had no contact with her over this issue,” said Mr Joyce, who nevertheless added he was pleased that an Australian-led consortium was interested in investing in domestic farming.

    本周,乔伊斯的朋友、矿业巨头吉娜•莱因哈特(Gina Rinehart)与上海中房置业有限公司(Shanghai CRED Real Estate)合伙出资3.65亿澳元竞购基德曼公司的大部分资产。乔伊斯说:“吉娜是我的好朋友,所以我从未就此事与她有过任何联系。”不过他也表示很高兴能有一家澳大利亚企业领衔的财团有兴趣投资国内农业。

    “Of course it is my preference, like I have a preference for nice wines, nice music and pretty girls.”


    A register of foreign agricultural landholding established by the government that was the brainchild of Mr Joyce shows Chinese investors own less than 0.5 per cent of Australia’s agricultural land. Mr Joyce said concerns that Chinese investors would start to avoid Australia because of tougher scrutiny were misguided.


    The deputy premier made headlines this year when he threatened to put to death Johnny Depp’s dogs, Pistol and Boo, when the US film star smuggled them into Australia in breach of quarantine laws. “If we start letting movie stars, even though they’ve been the sexiest man alive twice, to come into our nation, then why don’t we just break the laws for everybody?” he said in typically colourful language. “It’s time that Pistol and Boo buggered off back to the United States.”

    这位澳大利亚副总理今年曾登上头条,他威胁要处死约翰尼•德普(Johnny Depp)养的两条狗——皮斯托尔(Pistol)和布(Boo)——这位美国电影明星将它们偷运入澳大利亚,违反了当地检疫法。乔伊斯以惯有的生动措辞表示:“如果我们开始任由电影明星、哪怕是世界上最最性感的电影明星进入我们的国家,那我们为什么不干脆为每个人破坏法律?是时候让皮斯托尔和布滚回美国了。”

    Mr Depp later mocked Mr Joyce, saying on a US chat show how he believed the politician looked “inbred with a tomato”.


      上一篇:预测:中国经济困境的3种结局 下一篇:英国脱欧,苏格兰脱英?苏格兰将举行第二轮脱英独立公投


