Brussels is taking fresh steps to unblock resistance in EU member states to higher US-style duties on steel allegedly dumped in European markets by China.
The attempt to revive a long-delayed plan to toughen EU penalties on dumped steel comes as a deadline approaches for China to be treated as a market economy in trade disputes under World Trade Organisation rules — a prime political goal for Beijing.
The issue presents a political challenge for Cecilia Malmstrom, EU trade commissioner, who is trying to reconcile complaints that surging Chinese imports are to blame for collapsing steel prices with anxiety in some member states that a sharp rise in duties would be too protectionist.
这个问题对欧盟贸易专员赛西莉亚•马尔姆斯特伦(Cecilia Malmstrom)构成一个政治挑战,她正在试图调和两方面的意见:一些成员国申诉,来自中国的进口钢材激增,造成钢材价格崩盘,另一些成员国则焦虑地提出,大幅提高关税的保护主义色彩太浓重。
Although the US has slapped a 266 per cent tariff on some steel products from China in 2015, the EU imposed a 21 per cent duty.
Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president, has suggested this is “naive” and called for higher duties. But there are concerns that Beijing could strike back with retaliatory duties against European companies that sell to or use raw material from China.
欧盟委员会主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)提出,这是“幼稚的”,他呼吁提高关税。但也有人担心,北京方面可能对在华销售或者使用中国原材料的欧洲企业实行报复性关税。
EU leaders resolved at a summit last month to settle the matter this year, saying an “urgent and balanced” agreement was required “to safeguard European jobs, ensure fair competition in open markets and preserve free trade”.
Still, it remains unclear whether a compromise can be brokered in coming weeks. A majority of member states wants to overhaul the regime but a blocking minority — including the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland and Denmark — has held out against change.
Some European officials believe this blocking minority is on the brink of collapse. However, there have been no firm indications from member states before EU trade ministers are due to discuss the issue on Friday.
Efforts to find agreement follow the near collapse of Europe’s new trade pact with Canada. That raised doubts over the viability of EU trade policy and means that the push to clarify the treatment of China in trade disputes is being cast as another credibility test.