Britain and France on Sunday night snubbed a contentious EU emergency meeting to align the bloc’s approach to Donald Trump’s election, exposing rifts in Europe over the US vote.
欧盟周日晚间召开紧急会议以协同应对唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的当选,但英国和法国没有出席这个争议性的会议,暴露出欧洲对美国选举结果的分歧。
Hailed by diplomats as a chance to “send a signal of what the EU expects” from Mr Trump, the plan fell into disarray after foreign ministers from the bloc’s two main military powers declined to attend the gathering demanded by Berlin and Brussels.
The setback comes as markets wait for Mr Trump to announce key appointments in his team. They are watching closely for a sign of which face the president-elect wishes to present to the world: appointing his campaign chairman Steve Bannon to the role of chief-of-staff will send a different message to appointing the more moderate Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman.
欧盟遭遇这一挫折之际,市场正等待特朗普对其团队关键职位的任命,密切留意这位当选总统希望向世界展示什么迹象:任命竞选活动执行总裁斯蒂芬•班农(Stephen Bannon)担任幕僚长,和任命更为温和的共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)主席雷恩斯•普里巴斯(Reince Priebus)担任幕僚长,将会传递不同的信息。
The split in Europe highlights the difficulties European capitals face in co-ordinating a response to Mr Trump, who has questioned the US’s commitments to Nato and free trade and hinted at seeking a rapprochement with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
欧洲内部分歧突显出欧洲各国政府在协同回应特朗普方面的困难,特朗普质疑美国对北约(Nato)和自由贸易的承诺,并暗示将寻求与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)和解。
Mr Trump at the weekend met Nigel Farage, the populist Brexit campaigner who has become the first foreign politician to meet the future US president. Carl Bildt, the former Swedish prime minister, tweeted: “If Trump wanted to look statesmanlike to Europe, receiving Farage was probably the worst thing he could [do].”
特朗普周末会晤了主张英国退欧的民粹主义者奈杰尔•法拉奇(Nigel Farage),这是与这位未来美国总统会晤的首位外国政客。瑞典前首相卡尔•比尔特(Carl Bildt)在Twitter上发文称:“如果特朗普希望向欧洲展示政治家风范,接见法拉奇很可能是最糟糕的做法。”
British foreign secretary Boris Johnson dropped out of the Brussels meeting, with officials arguing that it created an air of panic, while French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault opted to stay in Paris to meet the new UN secretary-general. Hungary’s foreign minister boycotted the meeting, labelling the response from some EU leaders as “hysterical”.
英国外交大臣鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)没有出席布鲁塞尔会议,官员们辩称,该会引发了恐慌气氛,而法国外长让-马克•埃罗(Jean-Marc Ayrault)选择呆在巴黎以会晤联合国新任秘书长。匈牙利外长抵制此次会议,认为一些欧盟领导人的回应“歇斯底里”。
A combination of Mr Trump’s election and Britain’s vote to leave the EU had triggered calls for a total overhaul of the EU’s foreign and defence policy, with Berlin and Paris demanding greater integration. “If the US disengages from Europe, we need to look after our own security,” said one EU diplomat.
Ministers will discuss plans such as bolstering the EU’s ambition to mount joint operations during a scheduled meeting on Monday, which Mr Johnson and Mr Ayrault will attend.
Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg at the weekend warned both the US and its European partners against “going it alone” on defence matters.
北约秘书长延斯•斯托尔滕贝格(Jens Stoltenberg)周末警告美国及其欧洲合作伙伴不要在防务问题上“单干”。
Paris and Berlin had been co-ordinating their response to Mr Trump’s election, while London has jockeyed to maintain its position as the US’s main European ally. The French president and German chancellor spoke before releasing two separate, guarded welcomes to the president-elect last week.