沙特阿拉伯警告唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)称,如果这位即将上任的美国总统兑现竞选诺言、封杀石油进口,将危及美国的经济健康。
In a sign of the difficulties Mr Trump faces over his campaign pledges to create “complete American energy independence” from “our foes and the oil cartels”, Saudi Arabia’s energy minister pointedly reminded the president-elect that the US “benefits more than anybody else from global free trade”, adding, “energy is the lifeblood of the global economy”.
“At his heart President-elect Trump will see the benefits and I think the oil industry will also be advising him accordingly that blocking trade in any product is not healthy,” Khalid al-Falih, who is also chairman of Aramco, the state-run oil company, told the Financial Times in Marrakesh, where he is leading Saudi Arabia’s delegation in UN climate talks.
率领沙特代表团参加联合国(UN)气候变化会谈的哈立德•法立赫(Khalid al-Falih)在马尔喀什向英国《金融时报》表示:“美国当选总统特朗普的内心深处会认识到这些好处。我想,石油业也会相应地建议他,封杀任何产品的贸易都不利于经济的健康。”法立赫还是沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(Saudi Aramco)董事长,该公司是一家国有石油公司。
Mr Falih, whose kingdom is the world’s largest exporter of crude, said that, although the US imported millions of barrels of oil, it had also “benefited hugely” from being able to freely sell “significant amounts” of exported products.
This free trade had underpinned a thriving refining industry and a shale revolution that had been able to “create a lot of jobs and value”, he said.
“The US is sort of the flag-bearer for capitalism and free markets,” he added.