Officials in one of China’s hottest property markets have banned developers from borrowing money to buy land, as local governments embrace increasingly drastic measures to curb soaring home prices.
Prices of new residential properties in Nanjing, capital of eastern Jiangsu province, were up 40 per cent year on year in September, in line with increases in other big cities.
Over recent months, local governments have tried to cool residential property prices by making it more difficult for people to buy homes. The unprecedented decision by officials in Nanjing to cut off developers’ access to the banking system for land purchases highlights how local governments’ policy focus is shifting to real estate companies and their funding sources.
Highly leveraged developers, colloquially known as “land kings”, have driven prices to record levels in many Chinese cities over the past year. Local governments were initially reluctant to act, as auctions of land are an important part of their revenue base. In September, however, the government and central bank ordered local governments to cool overheated property markets.
“Bidders must use their own funds [at auctions],” Nanjing’s land bureau said. The notice banned developers from bidding with funds from banks, trust companies and insurers. They were also banned from using money raised either on capital markets or through the issuance of wealth management products and “other unregulated funds”.
Nanjing was due yesterday to hold its first land auction since late September, when central government directives to cool markets began to take effect.
Last month China’s securities and banking regulators began to restrict real estate developers’ ability to issue new shares and bonds. “All the relevant [national] regulators and government departments have intervened to curb developers’ financing,” said Jonas Short at NSBO, a policy research group. “It is an example of the concerted action that you get when [Beijing] is convinced something must be done.”
上月,中国的证券和银行业监管机构开始限制房地产开发商发行新股和债券的能力。“所有相关的(国家)监管机构和政府部门都进行了干预,以抑制开发商的融资,”政策研究团体蓝橡资本英国(NSBO)的乔纳斯•肖特(Jonas Short)表示。“这是在(北京方面)确信必须有所作为时,你会看到的那种协调行动的一个例子。”
Corporate bond sales by real estate developers have come to a complete halt this month while their issuance of trust products fell by a quarter in October compared with September. Trust products bundle corporate loans and other assets that are sold on to a variety of investors, including bank depositors.
Thomas Gatley at Gavekal Dragonomics said the immediate impact on many developers would be limited. “Property developers are cash-rich from excellent sales this year,” said Mr Gatley. “Only the smaller ones will be affected. More broadly, it is high demand for housing in China’s top cities that drives both land and house price growth.”
龙洲经讯(Gavekal Dragonomics)的托马斯•加特利(Thomas Gatley)表示,对许多开发商来说,直接影响将是有限的。“今年极佳的销售表现使房地产开发商现金充足,”加特利说。“只有较小的开发商会受到影响。整体而言,推动地价和房价双双上涨的因素是人们对一线城市的住宅需求居高不下。”