拟议中的对香港上市制度的改革引发了激烈的辩论,这导致有人声称,批评者就像害怕圣诞节的火鸡;不仅如此,这还导致了香港交易所(HKEx)上市委员会(Listing Committee)内部的公开分歧——该委员会关系着香港作为全球最大上市发行地的地位。
Plans to reform the opaque process would shift the city’s decades-old balance of power between investors and issuers, giving the former potentially a greater say and putting the regulator at the centre of the process.
So far this year, companies have raised $22bn floating in Hong Kong, compared with $12.8bn in Shanghai and $11.7bn on the New York Stock Exchange, according to Dealogic. The city has been a top-three venue in all but one of the past 10 years.
根据Dealogic的数据,今年迄今,企业通过在香港上市筹资220亿美元。在上海和纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange),这一数字分别为128亿美元和117亿美元。在过去10年的9年里,香港一直排在全球前三大上市地之列。
The proposals were put forward jointly by the Securities and Futures Commission, the city’s regulator, and the Hong Kong Exchange. A consultation period closed on Friday.
这些改革建议是由香港证监会(Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission)与港交所联合提出的。意见征询期于上周五结束。
The scale of debate within the 28-strong listing committee itself went public last week when four members, including both deputy chairmen, published a submission broadly supporting the plans — contravening the committee’s majority-view opposition.
Analogies with turkeys’ lack of support for Christmas were made in committee meetings discussing responses to the changes, according to several members.
“Like all good turkeys, we don’t tend to support Thanksgiving or Christmas,” admitted one member, who felt the proposals complicated an already confusing process.
Hong Kong’s system gives a far greater say to those with vested interests in initial public offerings, such as bankers or accountants, than is allowed in London and New York, where the regulator approves IPOs.
Listing committee members include representatives from banks, law firms, accounting firms and listed companies. There are also eight investor representatives.
Those calling for change say the system, which was largely developed under colonial rule, was not designed to deal with the governance challenges posed by the influx of mainland companies that make up the bulk of those listing in Hong Kong.
The system’s ability to cope with this has been called into question following a series of incidents including inexplicable stock rallies and collapses as well as the use of newly listed companies as shells to help others avoid the full listings process.
Would-be public companies currently apply to the HKEx’s listing division, which refers them to the Listing Committee for approval. The SFC is also sent a copy of each application and it has a right of veto.
Responses to the consultation have not all been made public. Those seen by the Financial Times roughly split with investors in favour of the changes while IPO advisers are opposed.
“In Hong Kong investors are to be seen but must not be heard,” said David Webb, an independent shareholder activist, in his submission. He described the current committee as “stacked in favour of issuers and their paid advisers”.
“在香港,投资者是用来看的,但他们的声音决不能被听到,”独立股东维权人士戴维•韦伯(David Webb)在他递交的意见中表示。他认为当前的委员会“一边倒地倾向发行方和他们的付费顾问”。
The proposals would introduce two new bodies to deal with policy and regulatory issues — which sit largely with the listing committee — both of which would include the SFC as well as an investor representative as one of just three members from the listing committee.