In financial services, the label “transformative” often fades to “disappointing”. Would-be disrupters, ranging from peer-to-peer lenders in the west to China’s new online banks, risk co-option by incumbents looking for new sales outlets. A particular challenge for Chinese challengers is that the authorities may prevent them making too many waves.
China’s banking regulator has unveiled results to the end of September for the country’s first five officially sanctioned, privately owned banks licensed during 2014. The rhetoric is encouraging enough. The authorities praised the newcomers for extending financial services to under-serviced parts of the economy, such as small and medium enterprises. The numbers were not bad, either. Perhaps surprisingly, given their short history, the five were profitable in aggregate, if only just. Assets have also grown quickly, to nearly $20bn.
Despite these rapid strides, anyone hoping for a shake-up of the sector will be disappointed. Against a Chinese banking asset base of more than $30tn, the new operators — which include WeBank (backed by Tencent) and MYBank (30 per cent owned by Ant Financial, Alibaba’s finance affiliate) — are tiny. Their impact on mighty rivals has thus been negligible. There is little worry that they will start eating into the incumbents’ share. For the new banks, loans are less than half of the assets; credit creation has been slow.
尽管有这些快速的进展,但是任何人如果希望中国银行业发生重大变化都会失望。相对于中国银行业超过30万亿美元的资产基础,新的银行——包括腾讯(Tencent)支持的微众银行(WeBank),以及由阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的金融附属公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)持30%股份的网商银行(MYBank)——在规模上微不足道。因此,它们对强大对手的影响迄今可忽略不计。没人担心它们将开始侵蚀老牌银行的市场份额。就这几家新银行而言,贷款不到资产的一半;信贷创造迄今缓慢。
Perhaps this was always the plan. The regulator’s statement, while heralding the role of the debutantes in extending financial services, also seemed to suggest they are not really meant to shake things up. They are to stick to their place: supplementing the system rather than transforming it. An extension to the conspiracy theory is that it suits the authorities for the private sector to shoulder new lending risks. State-owned banks are already burdened with old ones. Any failures would be a blot on someone else’s balance sheet.