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    1. World Health Organisation declares a public emergency of international concern over Zika


    1 February


    In global health, 2016 will be remembered as the year a little known virus made a major impact. It felt strangely familiar, but this time it wasn't Ebola making headlines around the world, it was Zika - a mosquito-borne virus being linked to a huge spike in the number of babies in Brazil born with brain defects.


    World Health Organisation declared that the cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders were a public health emergency of international concern, it was a rallying cry for the international community to respond.


    2.SpaceX demonstrates a big step towards fully reusable space craft


    8 April 4月8日

    It was an incredible achievement for SpaceX. The first stage rocket of one of its Falcon 9 launchers, having successfully lofted cargo to the International Space Station, managed to turn itself around, bleed off the enormous kinetic energy it had acquired while its main engines were burning, fly back down to Earth and land vertically - with balletic precision - on a rather tiny looking robotic barge floating somewhere in the Atlantic.


    3. Portugal is entirely powered by renewable energy for four days


    7-11 May 5月7日-11日

    Moving away from fossil fuels to renewable energy is surely the most important engineering and scientific challenge of our age.


    Portugal's achievement gives governments and energy companies a tangible example of how it can and does work, and why they should be investing in solar, wind, wave and other renewable technologies now.


    4. New reserves of helium discovered


    28 June 6月28日

    In June this year, a collaboration between universities and industry announced that it had discovered a huge reserve of helium gas in Tanzania, using a new exploration technique.


    5. Confirmation of the discovery of a nearby habitable planet


    24 August 8月24日

    The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, has a planet orbiting it not much bigger than Earth. Its "year" is only 11 days. But it's in the habitable zone because Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star about 100 times fainter than the sun. And there's hot news that a similar star, 40 light years away, may have three planets in its habitable zone.


    6. Our last universal common ancestor gets a makeover


    25 July 7月25日

    7. The legacy of a celebrated neuroscientist is contested


    7 August 8月7日

    In 1953, Patient HM had experimental brain surgery that left him with striking amnesia. Decades of subsequent research with HM by neuropsychologist Suzanne Corkin made a major contribution to our understanding of memory.


    Corkin died this year but shortly after, journalist Luke Dittrich published a book claiming Corkin buried inconvenient findings, shredded files, and acted unethically in gaining HM's consent.

    科金今年去世不久后,记者卢克• 迪特里希出版了一本书,声称科金掩埋不利发现,撕毁文件,并且用不道德的方式取得了HM的同意。

    8. Greenland sharks live for a very long time


    11 August 8月11日

    On our increasingly human-dominated planet we can still learn much from the lives of other species. The discovery this year that the Greenland shark lives for 400 years, making it the longest-living vertebrate, puts our hectic lives into perspective.


    9. CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere passes 400 parts per million


    28 September 9月28日

    10. A bad marriage can lead to an early death


    1 October 10月1日

    This research involves a large longitudinal study of emotion in interactions within married couples.


    Scientists get couples into the lab and looking at their stress levels while they have “difficult” conversations, finding that couples that deal with stress with positive emotions like laughter become less stressed, and tend to stay together for longer.


    This year they looked at the use of negative strategies such as anger or stonewalling responses to conflict, and found that these predicted health-related changes over time in specific ways.


    11. Arctic and Antarctic sea ice volumes both fall to an all-time low


    17 November 11月17日

    12. Scientists modify photosynthesis to boost crop yield


    18 November 11月18日

    Last month scientists at Illinois University made a breakthrough that could herald a second green revolution for world agriculture – they improved the efficiency of photosynthesis, the process by which plants turn sunlight into the biomass that is the source of all our food.


      上一篇:中国黑客被控入侵美国律师电脑,获利400万美元 下一篇:印度小学让家长用种树代替交学费


