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    Desk jobs, fast food and the daily grind are taking their toll, says Public Health England.


    Eight in every 10 people aged 40 to 60 in England are overweight, drink too much or get too little exercise, the government body warns.


    Health officials say the "sandwich generation" of people caring for children and ageing parents do not take enough time to look after themselves. We are living longer, but are in poorer health because we store up problems as we age.


    The PHE website and app has a quiz that gives users a health score based on their lifestyle habits by asking questions such as, "Which snacks do you eat in a normal day?" and "How much exercise do you get every day?".


    The questions are simple, but the results are revealing. "The How Are You Quiz will help anyone who wants to take a few minutes to take stock and they can take a little action to make a big difference to their health."

    问题很简单,但结果是显而易见的。“How Are You Quiz将帮助任何想要花费几分钟进行评估的人,他们可以采取一些行动,改善他们的健康。

    More than a million people have taken the quiz so far.


    Lee Parker is 41 and from Bolton. He did the quiz in March before starting a diet in August.

    Lee Parker41岁,来自博尔顿。他在三月份做了测试,并于八月开始节食。

    Weighing in at more than 22 stone, Lee started to diet and exercise and lost just over five stone in 16 weeks.


    In April 2017, Lee will be taking part in the Manchester marathon.



      上一篇:双语:中国雾霾主要污染物源头发现 下一篇:冥想会让你的头脑就能变得更好(双语)

