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    Mobike has broken from the crowded peloton of Chinese bike-sharing services, raising $215m in the latest funding round supporting the craze in big cities.


    The world’s most popular bike-sharing company by app downloads was backed by domestic tech giant Tencent and American private equity firm Warburg Pincus, as lead investors in its fourth big round.

    世界上人气最高(按app下载量计算)的自行车共享公司得到中国国内科技巨擘腾讯(Tencent)和美国私募股权公司华平(Warbug Pincus)支持,这两家公司在摩拜单车的第四轮大规模筹资中是牵头投资者。

    Mobike is gearing up for a showdown with its main rival ofo — so-called because the name looks like a bicycle — which raised $130m in third-round funding last October.


    “It’s going to be a fierce fight in the bike-sharing industry,” said Chen Lin, assistant professor of marketing at China Europe International Business School. “There are more than 10 bike-sharing companies now with international funding.”


    Ms Chen added: “It’s more competitive than the car-sharing industry was in the days of Uber versus Didi, and it’s more welcome by the government, so less regulated.”


    The bike-sharing battle in fact mirrors the old Uber-Didi Chuxing spat: ofo is backed by Didi, while Mobike’s founder Davis Wang was an Uber executive in Shanghai.

    共享单车大战事实上是当初优步-滴滴出行对决的某种翻版:ofo得到滴滴的支持,而摩拜单车创始人王晓峰(Davis Wong)曾是优步在上海的一名高管。

    Mobike was launched in April 2016 and, within six months, its distinctive orange-wheeled bikes had become ubiquitous in China’s big cities. Its app has been downloaded 400,000 times on the Android app store alone, compared with ofo’s 170,000, according to ChinaChannel, a tech consultancy.


    Its key features are a proprietary locking system and GPS navigation technology. GPS allows users to see which bikes are nearby and hold them for up to 15 minutes until they get there. Scanning a QR code on the bike unlocks it.


    The bike’s GPS device is powered by pedalling, saving the need for manual recharging, which ofo hires staff to do.


    Users give Mobike a deposit of Rmb300 ($43) and upload an identity document. After being verified, they can rent a Mobike for Rmb1 per hour.


    Unlike other cycle hire schemes, such as the one offered by Transport for London in the English capital, Mobikes can be left anywhere — which has led to some city officials complaining of bike-littering.

    与其他自行车租赁计划——比如伦敦交通局(Transport for London)提供的计划——不同,摩拜的自行车可以放在任何地方,这导致一些市政官员抱怨自行车乱停现象。

    “It’s a hit with the young generation, who want to ‘own nothing, reject nothing and be responsible for nothing’,” said Ms Chen, amending a popular saying.


    The scheme is not without its problems. Some users have taken bikes into their own homes to ensure they have a ride in the morning, an act that Mobike has declared to be theft. Vandals have disabled some bikes by ruining the QR codes.


    The lock is also not completely tamper-proof: China’s largest classifieds site,, said two weeks ago it was taking down adverts selling Mobikes and other services’ bikes, which can fetch up to Rmb2,000.


    Mobike’s other investors in its series D round included China’s biggest travel company Ctrip, which recently acquired Skyscanner, as well as existing investor Sequoia China. Mobike was advised by China Renaissance.

    参与摩拜单车第四轮筹资的其他投资者包括中国最大旅行公司、最近收购了航班搜索网站Skyscanner的携程(Ctrip),以及现有投资者红杉中国(Sequoia China)。摩拜单车在此轮筹资中的顾问是华兴资本(China Renaissance)。

    The company did not disclose its valuation based on the latest round, but said: “What we can say is that our business continues to expand rapidly and we believe we are the largest player in our market by a considerable margin.”


      上一篇:2016排名最前的假新闻故事 下一篇:中国开始首列通往伦敦的货运列车服务


