The report said the average score for jobsatisfaction given by 2,247 white-collar workers in the capital was 2.45 out of 5 - higher thanthe national average and those given by their counterparts in Shanghai, Shenzhen andGuangzhou.
Beijing workers said they were most satisfied with interpersonal relationships in their work,which scored 3.05, the report said.

The satisfaction with promotions in Beijing, at an average of 1.98, rated the lowest in the fivesurveyed categories but was slightly higher than last year. The other categories were salary,welfare, training and learning opportunities, and interpersonal relationships.
Three-fifths of the surveyed workers said they had no promotion opportunities in 2016. Morethan 37% thought the management system in their companies was the most important factorfor promotion, while 11.6% thought their own efforts mattered more.
The report also found that Beijing white-collar workers were the most satisfied with their life,with a score of 2.47 - 0.13 higher than the national average. The average monthly salary inBeijing was 9,835 yuan ($1,415), followed by Shanghai, with 9,720 yuan.