"At least eight years’ experience running a highly-regarded nation" and a Nobel Prize are among therequirements for Spotify's new position "President ofPlaylists".
"Who you are ...familiar with the Spotify platform, with experience in programming playlists ata federal level. Anything from an eclectic summer playlist, to a celebratory, 'I just found mybirth certificate' playlist," the job description, posted Tuesday, reads.
And in case the listed requirements were too subtle, Spotify's CEO and founder Daniel Ektweeted the job posting to the president from his official account.
如果这还不够清楚的话, Spotify的首席执行官和创始人丹尼尔·艾科还在自己的推特上把这份工作直接推荐给了奥巴马。
According to Natalia Brzezinski, wife of the former Swedish ambassador to the United States,Obama told her husband at the White House last week " I'm still waiting for my job at Spotify...Cuz' I know y'all loved my playlist."
Last August, the White House released two music sets "hand-created" by the president of theUnited States for daytime and evening.