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    Donald Trump has closed out the first month of his presidency by returning to his raucous campaign style and lashing out at the media as an agenda-bearing component of a corrupt system determined to undermine his time in office.

    唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在结束第一个月的总统任期之际重拾喧闹的竞选风格,抨击媒体,把媒体形容为一个腐败体制的带有自身议程的组成部分,执意破坏他履行公职。

    A day after dubbing journalists the “enemy of the American people” at the end of the rockiest week so far of this White House’s short existence the new US president stepped up his attack on what he called the bearers of “fake news” at a Florida rally.


    “I am here to tell you about our great progress in making America great again,” he told about 9,000 supporters gathered in an aircraft hangar with presidential plane Air Force One as a theatrical backdrop. “I want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news.”

    “我在这里向你介绍我们在使美国再次伟大过程中的巨大进展,”他利用空军一号(Air Force One)总统专机作为舞台背景,对9000来名聚集在一个飞机机库的支持者表示,“我想要在没有假新闻过滤器在场的情况下对你们说话。”

    Invoking predecessors Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson as presidents who like him had jousted with the media, Mr Trump accused a “dishonest” press corps of seeking to sabotage his efforts to bring “bold” change to America by reviving its economy and securing its borders.

    特朗普提到,他的前任托马斯•杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)、亚伯拉罕•林肯(Abraham Lincoln)以及安德鲁•杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)和他一样,也与媒体不和。他指责“不诚实”的记者团谋求破坏他通过重振经济和守卫边界给美国带来“大胆”变化的努力。

    “They just don’t want to report the truth,” he said. “They have become a big part of the problem. They are part of the corrupt system.”


    “When the media lies to people, I will never, ever, let them get away with it. I will do whatever I can that they don't get away with it,” he said. “They have their own agenda and their agenda is not your agenda.”


    Mr Trump has long revelled in a combative relationship with the media and put it at the centre of his presidential campaign. But as the media has increased its scrutiny of everything from his business dealings and potential conflicts of interest to the functioning of his White House the new president has grown increasingly tetchy and stepped up his attacks.


    Saturday’s prolonged attack followed a tweet on Friday night in which the president declared: “The FAKE NEWS media . . . is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”


    That immediately drew rebukes from even fellow Republicans, who declared his labelling of the US media as “the enemy” an attack on the constitution’s free-speech guarantees and the sort of move worthy of an autocrat.


    Dictators “get started by suppressing free press”, Senator John McCain told NBC in an interview due to be broadcast on Sunday. 参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)在全国广播公司(NBC)定于上周日播出的一个采访中表示,独裁者“往往是通过压制新闻自由起步的”。

    But his escalating attacks against the media have also been a sign of Mr Trump’s discomfort in the new job and his difficulties in making the switch from campaigning with grand promises and raucous rallies to governing.


    The frustration has become most apparent over the past week as leaks to reporters forced the resignation of his national security adviser, former general Michael Flynn, over his post-election contact with Russia’s ambassador to Washington. The departure of one of his loyalists came as calls grew in Congress for an independent investigation into his campaign’s contacts with Russian officials during the election with James Comey, the FBI’s director, making a rare trip to Capitol Hill on Friday to meet senators to discuss what the agency’s investigators had found.

    这种挫折在过去一周最为明显,记者获得的泄密信息迫使特朗普的国家安全顾问、退役中将迈克尔•弗林(Michael Flynn)因为在大选后与俄罗斯驻华盛顿大使的联系而辞职。这个亲信离职之际,国会内部对于特朗普团队在竞选期间与俄罗斯官员接触展开独立调查的呼声越来越响亮,以至于联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)上周五罕见地亲临国会山,向参议员们汇报该局在调查中的发现。

    Mr Trump was clearly in his comfort zone among supporters on Saturday. During the 45-minute speech he repeated campaign promises including a threat to impose a 35 per cent tax on businesses that locate factories overseas and to crack down on currency manipulation by other countries.


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