This requires countries across the region to double total annual spending to about $1.7tn in areas ranging from transport to basic sanitation, the ADB says in a report.
The warning signals that even a big improvement in infrastructure in the past two decades has failed to keep pace with the rapid growth of economies, population and urbanisation. The shortfall is most acute outside China, which is already spending at more than 90 per cent of the levels it is projected to need.
“The demand for infrastructure across Asia and the Pacific far outstrips current supply,” Takehiko Nakao, president of the Manila-based ADB, said. “There is a huge gap still to provide power and roads and railways. All these things are missing.”
“亚太各国对基础设施的需求远远超过目前的供应,”总部位于马尼拉的亚开行的行长中尾武彦(Takehiko Nakao)表示,“在电力、道路和铁路方面仍然存在巨大缺口。这一切都处于短缺状态。”
The 45 countries surveyed in the report, which covers 2016-2030, are forecast to need investment of $26tn over 15 years to maintain growth, cut poverty and deal with climate change.
The region is estimated to spend about $881bn a year at present. This means a gap between actual and required spending of about 2.4 per cent of forecast gross domestic product in 2016-20.
China accounts for nearly half of the $1.7tn total annual requirement but its infrastructure gap is much smaller than the Asian average after a quarter century of unprecedented investment.
The world’s second-largest economy is estimated to need $754bn in annual investment in the five years through 2020 — not far shy of its estimated 2015 investment of $686bn.
Between 2000 and 2012 the annual average increase in China’s electricity generation capacity was 10.7 per cent, creating one of the region’s most reliable networks in terms of limiting outages and transmission losses.
Similarly aggressive investment in mobile telecommunications infrastructure provided the basis for average annual subscriber growth of 19.2 per cent between 2000 and 2015.
But Chinese infrastructure investment has been mostly debt-funded, fuelling concerns about rising levels of corporate indebtedness. Growing numbers of countries around the world are being attracted to the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which was created last year with 57 founding shareholders .