In the 20th century, 70m-80m people died as a result of major famines. Before 1965, 66m people died because of nine famines in the then Soviet Union, India and China, notably in Mao Zedong’s “Great Leap Forward”. But in the latter part of the century, food crises became more concentrated in Sub-Saharan Africa; 34 out of 65 famines were in this region.
However, the scale of individual famines has steadily diminished thanks to better infrastructure, increased international intervention and the use of genetically modified crops.
Vulnerability to famine has been virtually eliminated in the rest of the world, with the exception of North Korea. Hunger also continues to take its toll in South Asia while Latin America has the most successful record in the developing world in increasing food security.
Yet problems persist. Some 795m people suffer from chronic undernourishment, including 780m in developing countries. Although there has been improvement, the least progress has been made in Sub-Saharan countries, where more than one-in-four remain undernourished.
Venezuela is still in the grip of a worsening crisis of food shortages, political repression and crippling price rises, teetering on the brink of hyperinflation. Polls show most Venezuelans believe the country is mismanaged as they confront daily shortages of food and medicine, rising crime and triple-digit inflation. Venezuela imports almost everything, paid for with shrinking oil revenues.
This week a famine was declared in parts of South Sudan, the first to be announced in any part of the world in six years. The government and the UN report that some 100,000 people are facing starvation, with a million more on the brink of famine caused by civil war and economic collapse.
Aid agencies, including the UN World Food Programme, and the children’s fund Unicef, said that 4.9m people — more than 40 per cent of South Sudan’s population — urgently need food.
包括联合国世界粮食计划署(UN World Food Programme)和联合国儿童基金会(Unicef)在内的援助机构表示,约490万人(超过南苏丹人口的40%)亟需食物。
To confront global imbalances in the long term, the World Bank says the world needs to produce 50 per cent more food to feed 9bn people by 2050, but climate change could cut crop yields by over 25 per cent. It says land, biodiversity, oceans, forests and other forms of natural capital are being depleted at unprecedented rates.
要从长远角度应对全球失衡,世界银行(World Bank)称,到2050年,全世界需要多生产50%的粮食来养活90亿人口,但气候变化可能使农作物减产25%。世行表示,土地、生物多样性、海洋、森林和其他形式的自然资源正在以前所未有的速度耗尽。