Analysis of the four missiles North Korea launched on Monday has convinced Tokyo that a nuclear strike against one of its cities or a US military base is now a realistic possibility and that the country needs to strengthen its defences urgently.
The moves highlight how North Korea is destabilising East Asia. Earlier this week China warned that Pyongyang was on a collision course with the Trump administration and retaliated against South Korean business over Seoul’s installation of US defence systems.
Missile experts at the Middlebury Institute in California have suggested the North Koreans were simulating a nuclear attack on the US Marine Corps air base at Iwakuni. The facility is 50km from Hiroshima, site of the world’s first atomic bombing in the second world war.
加州蒙特雷国际学院(Middlebury Institute)的导弹专家们提出,朝方在模拟对位于岩国市(Iwakuni)的美国海军陆战队航空基地发起核打击。该基地距离广岛50公里——广岛在二战中遭受原子弹轰炸,是世界上首个遭受核打击的地方。
Answering questions in parliament, Tomomi Inada, defence minister, refused to rule out acquiring the capacity for a pre-emptive strike. “I do not rule out any method and we will consider various options, consistent of course with international law and the constitution of our country,” she said.
日本防卫大臣稻田朋美(Tomomi Inada)在国会回答问题时,拒绝排除获得先发制人打击能力的可能性。她说:“我不排除采取任何手段的可能性,我们将考虑多个选项,当然它们将符合国际法和我国宪法。”
Hideaki Kaneda, a retired vice-admiral now at the Okazaki Institute in Tokyo, said pre-emptive strikes against an imminent missile launch were permitted by international law and it was a “reasonable direction” for Japan to take.
目前在冈崎研究所(Okazaki Institute)任职的退役海军中将金田秀昭(Hideaki Kaneda)表示,对即将发射的导弹进行先发制人的打击是国际法允许的,这是日本可以选择的“合理方向”。
Some politicians in Japan’s ruling LDP party have been pushing to acquire weapons capable of making a first strike for years. “But it’s notable that there hasn’t been such a strong public backlash against the idea this time,” Mr Kaneda said.
If Japan chooses to acquire such weapons, it has several options: Tokyo could buy Tomahawk cruise missiles, a missile-equipped drone or ground-to-air munitions for its manned F-35 aircraft.
Japan is also actively upgrading its existing anti-ballistic missile defences and considering whether to acquire the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (Thaad) system that has caused the controversy between Beijing and Seoul.
At present, Japan relies on Aegis destroyers at sea to intercept ballistic missiles mid-flight, and Patriot missiles on land to intercept them in the final moments of an attack. It is in the process of upgrading both.
“What we have to consider is a saturated attack,” said Mr Kaneda. North Korea could attempt to overwhelm Japan’s defences by launching numerous missiles at the same target. “If they fall in a concentrated area then it’s harder to defend against,” he said.
Thaad would add a third layer to Japan’s defences, allowing it to intercept incoming missiles at greater range than the Patriot system. However, as with South Korea, the potential for the system’s radars to gather information on their defences could upset China and Russia.
Japan also perceives a threat from Chinese medium-range ballistic missiles, which could be used to attack its ships and airbases in the event of a conflict around the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands.
Recent satellite imagery suggests China has carried out drills for such attacks, adding impetus to Japan’s quest for better anti-ballistic missile defences.