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    Walt Disney has pulled Beauty and the Beast from cinemas in Malaysia in a stand-off with authorities that underlines how multinationals are increasingly coming into conflict with conservative hostility to homosexuality in Asia.

    在与马来西亚当局的一轮对峙中,沃尔特•迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)从该国电影院撤下了《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)。这一冲突凸显出跨国公司正越来越多地与亚洲保守的反同性恋态度发生冲突。

    Malaysia’s film censorship board said the film had been approved following a cut to remove a so-called “gay moment”. However, Disney said in a statement that “the film has not been and will not be cut for Malaysia.”



    The decision to withdraw the film rather than submit to censorship comes amid a growing determination on the part of multinationals to resist illiberal rules in the markets in which they operate.


    “They are showing that they believe in artistic integrity,” said Eugene Tan, associate professor at Singapore Management University. “They will know what the consequences are, and will have done their calculations.”

    新加坡管理大学(Singapore Management University)副教授陈庆文(Eugene Tan)表示:“它们是在证明它们信仰艺术上的正直。它们将深知这么做的后果,也已对此做过评估。”

    The live-action adaptation of the 1991 animated musical is the first Disney film to feature a gay character. It includes a brief scene in which LeFou, played by Josh Gad, dances with another man.

    这部对1991年动画音乐片的真人版重拍片,是首部有男同性恋角色的迪斯尼电影。片中出现了由乔什•盖德(Josh Gad)饰演的乐福(LeFou)与另外一名男子跳舞的短暂一幕。

    The commercial consequences for Disney will be slight, given the size of the Malaysian box office. However, the stand-off is the latest sign of mounting tension between Southeast Asia’s increasingly vocal gay community and religious conservatives, with multinationals caught in the crossfire.


    Both Malaysia and Singapore ban sex between men and censor media content that portrays homosexuality in a positive light. 马来西亚和新加坡两国均禁止男男性行为,并会审查正面描写同性性行为的媒体内容。

    Beauty and the Beast has been approved for release in Singapore but the city-state’s Anglican bishop warned clergy last week to alert congregations to its “homosexual content”.


    “Disney films for children’s entertainment are usually associated with wholesome, mainstream values,” Rennis Ponniah, bishop of Singapore, said in a statement. “But times are changing at a foundational level.”

    新加坡主教伦尼斯•庞尼亚(Rennis Ponniah)在一份声明中表示:“以儿童娱乐为主题的迪士尼电影通常都带有有益身心的主流价值观。然而,时代已发生根本改变。”

      上一篇:美联储很可能周三加息 下一篇:3.15晚会又曝黑心商家 那个“网红”麦片快别吃了


