The attack comes after eight years of hands-off policies under former US president Barack Obama that saw Russia enter the war unchallenged on the Syrian government’s side in 2015. Officials in the Gulf states and Israel said that they believed US president Donald Trump was drawing a line of deterrence against what they see as hitherto unchecked Iranian and Russian-backed militarism in the region.
在美国发动这次袭击之前的8年里,美国前总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)实行了放手不管的政策,结果俄罗斯在2015年加入了叙利亚内战、支持政府一方,而未受到任何质疑。海湾国家和以色列的官员表示,他们认为,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)对在他们看来在伊朗和俄罗斯支持下、在该地区迄今不受制约的军国主义,开始采取一种威慑立场。
Across the Arab world, trending media posted on Twitter on Friday morning included songs celebrating the airstrikes, and coffee cup in which the dregs portrayed a likeness of Mr Trump. “America strikes the regime of Bashar”, was a popular hashtag in Saudi Arabia.
“This is the serious, credible and reliable America that its Gulf allies want to see more of,” said Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a Dubai-based political analyst. “They were limited strikes, but meaningful messages for everybody, and were heard loud and clear.”
“这是海湾盟国更想看到的认真、可信、可靠的美国,”位于迪拜的政治分析家Abdulkhaleq Abdulla说,“这是有限打击,但对所有人而言都是意义重大的信息,所有人都听到了响亮而清晰的信息。”
The official reaction was fastest and most forthright in Israel, the US’s closest ally in the Middle East. Israel’s military said they were notified ahead of time and “expressed our support” for the strikes, which were launched in response to this week’s deadly gas attack that killed dozens in Khan Sheikhoun, northern Syria.
在中东,美国最亲密盟国以色列的官方反应最快、最直接。以色列军方表示,他们被提前告知了袭击时间,并对袭击“表达了我们的支持”。这次袭击是为了回应本周发生在叙利亚北部汉谢洪(Khan Sheikhoun)、导致数十人死亡的致命毒气袭击。
“In both word and action, President Trump sent a strong and clear message today that the use and spread of chemical weapons will not be tolerated,” prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said in a pre-dawn statement.
“今天,特朗普总统在言语和行动两方面发出了强烈而明确的信息,即化学武器的使用和扩散将是不能被容忍的,”以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)办公室在黎明前的声明中表示。
The Israeli leader said Mr Trump’s use of force would send a “message of resolve in the face of the Assad regime’s horrific actions” that would resonate, too, in Tehran and Pyongyang, the Iranian and North Korean capitals.
Mr Trump has been vocal in denouncing Iranian military action in the region, embracing both Israel and Sunni Arab states — most notably Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan — as allies. The oil-rich Gulf countries had for years been pleading for more direct US intervention in the Syrian civil war.
Saudi Arabia said on Friday that it gave “total support” for the US strikes. The Saudi news agency, citing an “official source” at the foreign ministry, said the Syrian regime bore responsibility for the country being exposed to military action.
沙特周五表示,对美国的袭击给予了“全面支持”。沙特通讯社(Saudi news agency)援引外交部一位“官方消息人士”的话称,叙利亚政府对本国遭到军事打击负有责任。
A senior government official in Jordan, which borders Syria and hosts more than 1m Syrians who have fled the war, told the Financial Times that the kingdom was “closely watching” events in Syria and expressed “hope for a serious political effort to end this ongoing Syrian conflict and terminate the suffering of the Syrian people”.
In Iran, Bahram Qasemi, a foreign ministry spokesman, said the Islamic Republic seriously condemned any unilateral military reaction. He added that any military strike would help strengthen “terrorists” in Syria and complicate the situation there, and across the Middle East. However, there was no reaction by the commanders of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards.
在伊朗,外交部发言人Bahram Qasemi表示,伊朗伊斯兰共和国严重谴责任何单方面的军事反应。他补充道,任何军事打击都将有助于壮大叙利亚的“恐怖分子”,使该国和整个中东的局势变得复杂。然而,伊朗精锐的革命卫队(Revolutionary Guards)的指挥官们没有作出回应。