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    The Chinese can be forgiven for seeking out a reliable ally on their border. With Russia to the north, rival India to the south, an increasingly defiant North Korea to the east and Afghanistan in the throes of turmoil to the west, good neighbours are in short supply. That Pakistan comes closest to what the Chinese like to call an “all weather friend” shows how poor China’s options are.


    It is an odd relationship that has been decades in the making. China is consolidating it with billions of dollars in infrastructure and energy investment, military exports and bailout loans to prop up the Pakistani currency. The latter have been worth $1.2bn since last year, underlining the extent to which Islamabad is becoming reliant on Beijing as US patronage wavers. This alliance presents risks for both sides. Meanwhile, the west cannot afford to abandon nuclear-armed Pakistan altogether, as much as it might like to.


    On the surface the two states have little in common. The Chinese state is strong and its economy is growing. The Pakistani state, apart from the military, is weak and its economic performance disastrous. China is communist and religion is tightly controlled. Pakistan is Islamic and religious fervour is everywhere.


    Despite this, developing common interests is natural for the two neighbours. The alliance furthers China’s ambition to recreate a Sino-centric Asian order while keeping common rival India on its toes.


    There are drawbacks for Pakistan in becoming too dependent. Its trade deficit with China has doubled in recent years, exacerbating declines in its foreign currency reserves. This has forced the country to seek emergency loans from outside sources — including China — to maintain payments on older loans made in foreign currencies.


    China’s investments, rather than prioritising Pakistan’s development interests, favours its own strategic ones. But it will be Pakistan that has to pay back the loans that fund the projects. China is planning up to $55bn worth of infrastructure and energy projects as part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. This will link its west with the Gwadar port in southern Pakistan through railways, roads and energy supply pipelines. Pakistan has also become the biggest importer of Chinese military hardware and has eight submarines on order. The terms of these contracts are not disclosed, making it impossible for Pakistanis to determine whether they are getting value for money.

    中国安排投资侧重点的依据是自身的战略利益需求,而非巴基斯坦的发展需求。但巴基斯坦将是不得不偿还项目贷款的一方。中国计划建设价值550亿美元的基础设施和能源项目,作为“中巴经济走廊”(China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)计划的一部分。该计划将通过铁路、公路和能源供应管道把中国西部与巴基斯坦南部的瓜达尔港连接起来。巴基斯坦也已成为中国军事装备最大的进口国,并已订购8艘潜艇。这些合同的具体条款并未透露,使得巴基斯坦人无法判断它们是否物有所值。

    Nor is there any guarantee that the projects will be commercially viable. You do not have to look far to find Chinese-backed white elephants. The Hambantota port in Sri Lanka, which struggles to pay staff salaries, is one.


    The most obvious risk for China is that Pakistan ultimately proves unable to honour its debts, and that it becomes as undependable a client as it has for the US. Islamabad has encouraged fundamentalist Islam with one hand of the state while checking it with another, poisoning relations with Washington. For the same reason, it may be a complicated partner for the Chinese, who have every reason to fear Islamist influence spreading across their western border.


    It might be tempting for the US to breathe a sigh of relief as China bails out its erstwhile client. This would be a mistake. It would also be a mistake for the US to see Pakistan as the object of rivalry between itself and China. Instead, the two superpowers have a common interest in a prosperous Pakistan, one that stops exporting terrorists around the world and begins to stabilise its tortuous relationship with its other neighbour, India.


      上一篇:中国债市派对遇冷 下一篇:美国民调:特朗普、民主党、共和党,谁都不受青睐


