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    Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Jakarta’s first Christian governor in decades and one of the most prominent non-Muslim politicians in Indonesian history, was sentenced to two years in prison for blasphemy on Tuesday, the latest indication of increasing religious conservatism in the world’s most populous Muslim nation.

    周二,雅加达特区几十年来的首位基督徒首长、印度尼西亚史上最有名的非穆斯林政治人物之一钟万学(Basuki Tjahaja Purnama)因犯亵渎罪被判入狱两年。这是这个全球穆斯林人口最多国家宗教保守主义倾向加剧的最新迹象。

    Head judge Dwiarso Budi Santiarto read the verdict that Mr Purnama, widely known as Ahok, had “convincingly conducted a criminal act of blasphemy, and because of that we have imposed two years of imprisonment”.

    主审法官德维阿索•布迪•桑蒂阿托(Dwiarso Budi Santiarto)宣读了判词,称钟万学“无疑从事了亵渎神明的犯罪行为,因此我们判处两年徒刑”。钟万学小名“阿学”(Ahok),很多人都知道他这个小名。

    The case stems from an episode late last year on the campaign trail for the Jakarta gubernatorial election, when Mr Purnama gave a speech suggesting that some Muslim clerics were improperly citing a Koranic verse. Videos of his speech spread around the internet, arousing huge Islamist demonstrations against him. Mr Purnama ultimately lost his re-election bid in mid-April, an outcome widely chalked up to the candidate’s defiance of conservative Muslim figures.


    The hard-charging Mr Purnama was targeted by his political enemies as soon as he was promoted to governor in 2014, after Joko Widodo, the serving governor, was elected president of Indonesia. Thousands of protesters gathered then to demonstrate against the ascent of a non-Muslim to this crucial governorship.

    2014年,时任雅加达特区首长的佐科•维多多(Joko Widodo)当选为印尼总统,雄心勃勃的钟万学升任该特区首长,而他也立刻就成为政敌的眼中钉。当时,成千上万抗议者集会示威,反对一位非穆斯林升至这一至关重要的首长岗位。

    But for the first 18 months of Mr Purnama’s mandate as Jakarta governor, the Islamist groups had a hard time making trouble, as Jakartans overwhelmingly considered him to be non-corrupt and effective.


    Mr Purnama was seen as being in such a strong position for re-election in 2017 that major political parties lobbied for him to lead their ticket, with even some moderate Islamist parties ultimately endorsing his re-election bid.


    However, the campaign speech where Mr Purnama gave advice on how to properly interpret the Koran was the slip-up the hardliners had been looking for.


    Mr Purnama’s camp says it will appeal against the prison sentence. The unexpected verdict is seen as merely the latest sign of the growing power of religious conservatives to shape national politics.


    “This outcome means that reactionary voices will gain in legitimacy, it will strengthen religious conservatism here,” said Savic Ali, a progressive Muslim journalist and activist affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largest Muslim organisation. Mr Ali said he was worried that the court had been swayed by the crowds calling for Mr Purnama’s imprisonment, and that hardliners would now replicate the tactic of using mass demonstrations to protest against perceived blasphemy.

    隶属印尼最大穆斯林组织“伊斯兰教士联合会”(Nahdlatul Ulama)的进步穆斯林记者兼活动家萨维克•阿里(Savic Ali)表示:“这一结果意味着,反动的声音将获得更大的合法性,这会强化这里的宗教保守主义。”阿里表示,他担心法院受到了要求将钟万学投入监狱的群众的左右,还担心强硬派今后会再次使用这一利用群众示威来抗议他们眼中亵渎行为的战术。

    “It’s a huge risk. Blasphemy is relative. Many Muslim figures didn’t think Ahok insulted Islam,” he said, referring to the governor by his nickname.


    Shortly after Mr Purnama lost his election bid in April prosecutors recommended that he receive a suspended sentence that would have him avoid jail-time. But the judges overruled the prosecutor’s recommendation, opting to sentence him for two years.


    “We can only speculate about the political motives behind this, whether this was intended to further discredit Ahok and the team behind him,” said Charlotte Setijadi, visiting fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. “The sentence sends an intimidating message to aspiring politicians from ethnic and religious minority groups.”

    新加坡尤索夫伊萨东南亚研究所(ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute)客座研究员夏洛特•塞蒂雅迪(Charlotte Setijadi)表示:“我们只能猜测这事背后的政治动机,猜测这么做是否意在进一步抹黑阿学和他背后的团队。该判决向在民族和宗教上属于少数人群的有抱负的政治人士,发出了恐吓信号。”

    It comes at a time when Mr Widodo, Indonesia’s pluralist president and an ally of the embattled Mr Purnama, has been aggressively seeking to increase foreign investment but has been coming up short.


    “The case introduces a level of uncertainty and volatility in Indonesia that firms weren’t expecting,” said Douglas Ramage, managing director of Bower Group Asia, an investment advisory firm. “It’s one more thing that goes into the negative column when major firms are looking to make investments in the region.”

    投资顾问公司Bower Group Asia董事总经理道格拉斯•拉梅奇(Douglas Ramage)表示:“该案给印尼造成了一定程度的不确定性和波动,这些是企业始料未及的。在大企业考虑投资该地区时,这会被列为又一项负面因素。”

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