The rapid development of technology leads to frequent personal turnover of mobile phones. About 50 percent of users in China change to a new phone every 18 months, according to Chinanews.
技术快速发展导致个人手机更新迭代愈发频繁。据中新网报道,约50%的用户每18 个月就会换部新手机。
However, alongside the high replacement rate is a low recycling rate. China now has about one billion unused mobile phones, but only two percent have been recycled with most of the rejected devices improperly handled.
“废旧手机”指被废弃的、老旧的手机,所以英文可以用old and discarded cellphones表示,也可简称为discarded phones。
废旧手机回收后,一般有三种去向:较新、损坏程度较小的手机经过分类处理、翻新后流入二手市场(refurbished and resold to users on second-hand market);有一定损坏不能直接使用的手机,可用零部件会被拆解再利用(recycled for components that can be reused);完全无法使用的,经过原材料提炼后,作为垃圾焚烧处理(units that cannot be reused are incinerated after extracting their precious metals)。
但是目前,我国废旧手机回收面临回收价格偏低(low recycling price)、存在个人隐私泄露风险(risk of privacy disclosure),以及相关行业政策不完善(lack of sound policies)等问题。
业内人士建议,未来,在发展新机销售市场的同时,市场应该培育消费者“以旧换新”的习惯(develop the habit of part-trading their old devices for a replacement),同时建立畅通、可靠的回收渠道(establish smooth and reliable recycling channel),来提高废旧手机回收率。