Shaping a Shepherd of Catholics, From Argentine Slums to the Vatican
The most controversial incident in Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s tenure as Jesuit provincial (that is, regional superior) of Argentina came in 1976. Father Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, was a prayerful man, a charismatic leader and a priest deeply committed to the poor. As Jesuit provincial, he was also charged with the care of Jesuit priests and brothers throughout Argentina. A few years after taking office at the alarmingly young age of 36, he was faced with the thorny problem of how best to support two priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, who had moved into a slum in Buenos Aires and were advocates for the poor in the face of brutal government opposition during Argentina’s so-called Dirty War.
豪尔赫·马里奥·贝尔格里奧(Jorge Mario Bergoglio)担任耶稣会阿根廷教省会长期间最具争议的事件发生在1976年。那时,贝尔格里奧神父,也就是如今的教皇方济各(Pope Francis),是一个虔诚的人、一位有魅力的领导者、一位致力于救助穷人的神父。作为耶稣会阿根廷教省会长,他还有责任照顾全阿根廷的耶稣会神父和兄弟。他年仅36岁就开始担任这一职位。几年后,他遇到了一个棘手的问题:如何最好地支持奥兰多·约里奥(Orlando Yorio)神父和弗朗茨·亚利奇(Franz Jalics)神父,他们在阿根廷所谓的“肮脏战争”期间搬到布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个贫民窟,顶着政府的残酷压迫支持穷人。
Father Bergoglio supported the work of those referred to as slum priests, but warned the two of the dangers inherent in their ministries. Around the same time, Father Yorio sought approval for his final vows as a Jesuit. Because of suspicions about his work, the evaluations Father Bergoglio received from other Jesuits were largely negative. Some Jesuits in Rome, according to Austen Ivereigh, author of “The Great Reformer,” a fine new biography of Pope Francis, also believed rumors that the two were linked with guerrillas, and so their community in the slums was ordered disbanded.
贝尔格里奧神父支持这两位贫民窟神父的工作,不过也用担任神职工作固有的危险警告他俩。差不多在同一时期,约里奥神父想获准作为耶稣会士做最终宣誓。由于其他耶稣会士对约里奥的工作有所怀疑,贝尔格里奧神父收到的对约里奥的评价大多是负面的。据《伟大的改革者》(The Great Reformer,一本精彩的教皇方济各新传记)的作者奥斯汀·伊凡里(Austen Ivereigh)称,罗马的某些耶稣会士也相信这两位神父与游击队有牵连的传言,所以他们在贫民窟的团体被下令解散。
As a compromise, Father Bergoglio suggested they continue their work with the poor, but live in a nearby Jesuit community. Rather than abide by his request — which they were obliged to do under their vow of obedience — the two decided to leave the Jesuits. Shortly afterward, they were captured and tortured by military forces, who held them captive for several months. Father Bergoglio worked furiously behind the scenes, going to what Mr. Ivereigh calls “extraordinary lengths” to secure their release.
Nonetheless, rumors persisted that Father Bergoglio had betrayed them. Until his death in 2000, Mr. Yorio remained bitter toward his former superior. Father Jalics, however, chose to remain a Jesuit and, ultimately, had a tearful reconciliation with his former provincial, then the archbishop of Buenos Aires. By then, it had become clear that the two had been abducted because a lay teacher who had become a guerrilla had given up their names under torture.