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    British security officials investigating the Manchester terror attack are considering withholding sensitive information from Washington after a series of damaging leaks they fear are endangering British lives.


    Such a move would break with years of increasingly close counterterrorism co-operation between the US and the UK that followed the September 11 attacks. In a sign of the extent of UK concern, Theresa May will raise the issue of US leaks when she meets Donald Trump at a Nato summit in Brussels on Thursday.

    此举将打破自911袭击事件后英美两国多年来日益密切的反恐合作。特里萨•梅(Theresa May)将于周四在布鲁塞尔召开的北约(Nato)首脑会议上与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)会面,届时她将提出美国泄露消息问题,这一迹象反映出英国目前担忧程度。

    The growing controversy over the secrecy of investigators work is threatening to sour relations with the UK’s closest ally as British authorities race to gather intelligence on the Manchester bomber, fearful of a potential second terror attack.


    Amber Rudd, the UK home secretary, registered her objections to American officials after US broadcaster CBS disclosed the name of suspected bomber Salman Abedi, citing US sources, at a time when British authorities were asking domestic media to withhold the information to protect the investigation.

    英国内政大臣安伯•拉德(Amber Rudd)已向美国官员提出反对,此前美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)公布了炸弹袭击嫌疑人萨勒曼•阿贝迪(Salman Abedi)的名字——援引美国消息——而英国当局要求国内媒体不得公布这一信息以保护调查工作。

    On Wednesday evening, the rift widened after the New York Times published a series of detailed photographs taken from the Manchester bomb scene by British forensic investigators.

    周三晚间,《纽约时报》(New York Times)刊登了一系列英国法庭调查人员在曼彻斯特爆炸案现场拍摄的详细照片,进一步加大了上述不和。

    The row comes as Manchester police continue their attempt to dismantle the suspected terror network that helped Abedi carry out the suicide bombing.


    UK intelligence and security agencies are frustrated by leaks of up-to-date information about the attack which appears to have been disclosed to media by US officials without British permission.


    Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the US House intelligence committee, said he did not know where the leaks came from, but agreed it was a “real problem” if US intelligence had disclosed the details before their British counterparts.

    美国众议院情报委员会(House intelligence committee)资深民主党人亚当•希夫(Adam Schiff)表示他不知道消息是从何处泄露的,但同意如果美国情报局先于英国同行公布这些消息,将是一个“真正的问题”。

    The White House and Director of National Intelligence, the head of the US intelligence community which overseas the CIA and other spy agencies, did not respond to a request for comment.


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