Humanwell Healthcare, a Shanghai-listed pharmaceuticals company, and state-owned Citic Capital China Partners will buy the century-old condoms and sexual health business of Ansell, whose Jissbon brand sheaths are already a mainstay in Chinese convenience stores.
在上海上市的制药公司人福医药(Humanwell Healthcare)和国有的中信资本中国基金(Citic Capital China Partners),将收购安思尔(Ansell)旗下有百年历史的避孕套和性保健企业,其杰士邦(Jissbon)品牌避孕套已成为中国便利店的常见商品。
China’s condom market will almost triple in value to $5bn by 2024 from 2015, Transparency Market Research said in a report last year, as more liberal attitudes to sex among young people and awareness of sexually transmitted diseases through government campaigns outweigh the impact from the end of China’s one-child policy.
透明市场研究(Transparency Market Research)在去年一份报告里表示,随着年轻人对性的态度更趋自由化、同时在政府宣传下人们对性传播疾病的认识压过了中国一胎化政策结束的影响,到2024年中国避孕套市场的规模相比2015年将增长近两倍。
“Volumes are not expanding but there is massive upgrading,” in search of higher quality and a superior feel, said Shaun Rein of China Market Research Group, a consultancy. “This is where the foreign brands definitely have the advantage. Consumers are moving up the value chain.”
咨询公司中国市场研究集团(China Market Research Group)的雷小山(Shaun Rein)表示,在消费者寻找更高品质和出色体验的过程中,“销售量并未扩大,但出现了大规模升级”。“这正是国外品牌有绝对优势的领域。消费者正在向价值链高端移动。”
Chinese tourists to Japan have been returning home with bundles of condoms and Japanese manufacturers have been ramping up exports to China in recent years following a series of safety scandals that have reduced trust in local brands such as Donless, Double Butterfly and Gobon.
近年来,在一系列安全丑闻降低了人们对多乐士(Donless)、双蝶(Double Butterfly)和高邦(Gobon)等本土品牌的信任后,中国赴日游客一直在将成捆的避孕套带回国,日本制造商也一直在加大对华出口。
Last year Shanghai police said they seized 3m locally made condoms manufactured from inferior and in some cases foul-smelling materials, following a 2013 bust of 5m fakes. Counterfeit Chinese condoms have been found as far afield as Ghana and Puerto Rico in recent years.
Jissbon is a mid-level brand in China, appealing to lower-income workers and students who are wary of local products, said Mr Rein. “It’s above the Chinese brands,” he added.
China’s young people are having sex earlier, state media reported last year, with the average age of the youngest generation’s first sexual experience occurring at 17.
Ansell’s main competitor in China is Reckitt Benckiser, which owns Durex, and has one of its largest factories in the Chinese city of Qingdao.
安思尔在中国的主要竞争对手是旗下拥有杜蕾斯(Durex)的利洁时集团(Reckitt Benckiser),后者在中国青岛市建有其最大的工厂之一。
Ansell said on Thursday it would buy back up to 10 per cent of the company’s shares following the sale of the condom business and is seeking acquisition opportunities as it refocuses its business on its medical and industrials division.
Based on Wednesday’s closing share price, this implies a buy back worth US$265m. “Ansell will now turn its focus to the acceleration of the three business-to-business divisions while improving operating efficiencies further,” said Magnus Nicolin, the company’s chief executive.
根据周三安思尔股票收盘价,这意味着回购规模为2.65亿美元。该公司首席执行官马格努斯•尼科林(Magnus Nicolin)表示:“目前,安思尔将把注意力转向进一步提高运营效率,同时加快三个B2B部门的发展。”
The transaction was concluded at a multiple of 16 times 2016 full-year earnings. It is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to be complete by the end of September 2017.