Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president, is set to announce measures in a keynote speech in September to tackle perceived gaps in the EU’s armoury compared with the US and other major economies in vetting foreign takeovers in strategic sectors, according to people briefed on the talks.
据听取了会谈简报的人士称,欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-Claude Juncker,见文首图)将在9月份的一次主旨演讲中宣布相关举措,以消除欧盟在审查战略性行业外资并购方面与美国和其他主要经济体的明显差距。
The issue has risen up the EU’s political agenda due to growing fears that China may gain a technological edge by buying European know-how while heavily restricting the role it allows EU investors in its domestic market.
On Monday the US will launch an investigation into intellectual property rights, the first trade action against China under the Trump administration, because of similar concerns.
At present, only 13 of the EU’s 28 nations have formal systems for screening takeovers and other investments to assess whether they pose a threat to national security or public policy goals.
“There is a sense that we need to reinforce our arsenal, to negotiate [with Beijing] with equal strength,” said André Sapir, senior fellow at the Bruegel think-tank.
智库Bruegel高级研究员安德烈•萨皮尔(André Sapir)表示:“人们觉得我们需要加强我们的手段,以同样的力量(与中国)谈判。”
People involved in the talks on prospective EU measures said that plans will involve better co-ordination of existing national screening systems to encourage the use of similar criteria across the bloc on whether to permit foreign acquisitions.
The commission is also considering a more controversial proposal to introduce EU-level investment screening, which could apply to takeovers of companies that have received EU funding.
A commission spokesman said Brussels was aware of concerns related to foreign investment in strategic sectors and that Mr Juncker had set up a group of commissioners “to elaborate first possible actions” for his September speech.
More generally, many Europeans are frustrated at takeovers by Chinese state-owned enterprises and the lack of progress in talks with Beijing on an investment deal that would increase access to the Chinese market.
According to a report by the Mercator Institute for China Studies and the Rhodium Group, Chinese FDI into the EU reached around €35bn in 2016, an increase of more than two-thirds on the year before.
根据墨卡托中国研究中心(Mercator Institute for China Studies)和荣鼎咨询(Rhodium Group)的一份报告,2016年,中国对欧盟的外商直接投资(FDI)达到350亿欧元左右,比上年增长逾三分之二。