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    China’s Communist party is writing itself into the articles of association of many of the country’s biggest companies in a blow to investor hopes that Beijing would relax its grip on the market.


    More than 30 Hong Kong-listed state-owned enterprises, representing more than $1tn in market capitalisation, have this year added lines to their central documents that place the party, rather than the Chinese state, at the heart of each group.


    New phrases injected into the articles of association in recent months include describing the party as playing a core role in “an organised, institutionalised and concrete way” and “providing direction [and] managing the overall situation”.


    The changes are being billed by the companies as part of Beijing’s efforts to improve efficiency and productivity at SOEs, which account for about a fifth of the country’s economic output. The revisions followed the annual meeting of China’s rubber-stamp parliament in March, although a handful of companies altered their articles last year.


    While the new language makes explicit investors’ long-held assumption of party influence, the changes are the first time the party rather than the government has been named, investors said.


    Companies acknowledging the role of the party range from state oil group Sinopec and ICBC, the world’s largest bank by assets, to steel and energy groups as well as leading brokers including Haitong Securities.

    承认党的作用的公司包括:国有石油集团中石化(Sinopec)、按资产计算为世界最大银行的中国工商银行(ICBC)、众多钢铁和能源集团,以及海通证券(Haitong Securities)等领先券商。

    The articles of association for China Railway Group, one of the country’s biggest construction groups, now state that “when the board of directors decides on material issues, it shall first listen to the opinions of the party committee of the company”.

    中国最大建筑集团之一中国中铁(China Railway Group)的公司章程现在声明,董事会决定重大事项时,应先听取公司党委的意见。

    In the case of the country’s four largest banks, the changes were proposed by a unit of CIC, China’s sovereign wealth fund and the controlling party for government stakes in many companies. 中国四大银行的公司章程变化是由中投公司(CIC)的一个子公司提议的;中投是中国的主权财富基金,也是代表政府控股许多公司。

    “This is a reminder to investors they are buying into a party machine,” said David Webb, an independent investor and shareholder activist in Hong Kong. “This move to embed the party into constitutional documents of the companies puts a lie to the government’s claim they want market forces to play a greater role.”

    “这对投资者是一个提醒:他们正在投资于一台党的机器,”香港独立投资者和股东活动人士戴维•韦伯(David Webb)表示,“把政党嵌入公司宪制文件的这个举动,说明政府所说的让市场力量发挥更大作用只是空话。”

    Investors have voiced frustration with their inability to stop the changes.


    “While it serves to formalise something investors were already aware of, this formalisation is not really the direction of travel investors wanted to see,” said David Smith, head of corporate governance at Aberdeen Asset Management Asia.

    “尽管这有助于让投资者已经意识到的情况正式化,但这种正式化并不真是投资者希望看到的发展方向,”安本资产管理亚洲公司(Aberdeen Asset Management Asia)的公司治理负责人戴维•史密斯(David Smith)表示。

    Amendments were passed by annual general meetings as special resolutions, which require a two-thirds majority. Beijing’s majority control of these companies lowered the bar for mustering remaining votes.


    Several companies recorded zero opposition to the motions. But others, including China Construction Bank, would have failed to gather two-thirds support if the state had not been able to vote.


    “Of course we voted against — its like turkeys voting for Christmas,” said one fund manager. “Sometimes the party and its plans can be in direct conflict with shareholders but what can we do? Its one step forward and one step back with China.”


    China Railway Group said its amendments were to “integrate the reinforcement of leadership of the party with the improvement of corporate governance”.


    The changes are causing consternation among Hong Kong regulators, but rules blocking large shareholders from voting need to involve a financial interest in the outcome. Other officials have called for more disclosure of the people running the party committees.


    “Its time for the magician to come out and take a bow,” said one. “Caveat emptor was OK when we were talking a majority shareholder and its voting rights. That is no longer enough here.”


      上一篇:欧盟将加强外资并购审查 下一篇:中国宣布从朝鲜进口禁令


