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    The French government has unveiled pro-business measures to liberalise the country’s dysfunctional jobs market, in an early test of President Emmanuel Macron’sdetermination to reform the eurozone’s second-largest economy amid sinking approval ratings.

    法国政府公布了支持企业的举措,以推动该国功能失调的就业市场自由化,此举是对法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)在支持率下降之际改革欧元区第二大经济体决心的早期考验。

    The proposals, outlined by prime minister Edouard Philippe on Thursday, are central to Mr Macron’s plan to make France more attractive to foreign investors, coax businesses to hire more workers and tackle an unemployment rate of more than 9 per cent.

    由法国总理爱德华•菲利普(Edouard Philippe)公布的这些提议,是马克龙加大法国对外国投资者的吸引力、促使企业雇佣更多工人以及解决逾9%失业率问题的计划的核心部分。

    The plans are also designed to show France’s renewed resolve to fix its economy. By doing so Mr Macron wants Brussels and Berlin to agree to his demands that the EU do more to stimulate the economy and protect workers across the bloc.


    Mr Philippe said the measures were “aimed at regaining the lost years” for France, whose economy has lagged those of peers such as Germany. “Our goal is to boost job creation by giving more security and visibility to employers and more guarantees for workers,” he said.


    Pierre Gattaz, head of Medef, which represents French business, saluted the bill as an “important step to adapt to the daily needs of companies”. However Laurent Berger, chief of the CFDT, France’s largest trade union confederation which was involved in consultations over the reform plans, said the proposals did not “live up to our expectations”.

    代表法国企业的法国雇主协会(Medef)会长皮埃尔•加塔((Pierre Gattaz)将该提案誉为“适应企业日常需要的重要步骤”。然而,法国最大工会联盟、曾参与改革计划磋商的CFDT的领袖洛朗•贝尔热(Laurent Berger)表示,这些提议没有“符合我们的预期”。

      上一篇:优步新掌门:希望18-36个月内IPO 下一篇:美日关系中潜藏着安倍下台的种子


