Apple CEO Tim Cook shows the new MacBook during an Apple event in San Francisco, California March 9, 2015. [Photo/Agencies]
The £1,000 iPhone X will be revealed alongside the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus at the tech giant’s annual product event tomorrow.
iPhone X定价为1000英镑(约合人民币8500元),将和iPhone 8以及iPhone 8 Plus一起在12日的苹果年度产品发布会上亮相。
The main new features are expected to be facial recognition, which will allow users to unlock their phones simply by looking at their screens, and wireless charging.
据推测,iPhone X的主要新功能包括面部识别解锁以及无线充电功能。
It is also expected to have an edge-to-edge high-definition screen covering the entire front of the phone.
iPhone X还有望配置全面无边框高清屏幕。

Rumors also suggest the new model will have augmented reality technology which enables owners to see and interact with ‘virtual’ objects through its cameras.
The iPhone X – using the Roman numeral for ten in reference to the tenth anniversary since the original iPhone’s release – is hoped to be a game changer for the company, which suffered a setback with the iPhone 7.
iPhone X中的罗马数字X(10)指的是iPhone第一款手机发布10周年,iPhone 7让苹果公司遭受重创,该公司希望这款iPhone新品能够力挽狂澜。
It struggled to shift the iPhone 7, launched last year, as customers chose not to upgrade but to hold on to older models for longer.
由于用户坚持继续使用旧机型而不愿升级,苹果公司去年发布的iPhone 7销量很不景气。
The phone was also criticized for its lack of significant improvements on the iPhone 6 and the removal of the headphone jack.
iPhone 7与iPhone 6相比性能缺少明显改进,且去掉了耳机插孔,因而遭到差评。
Apple has so far reported sales of 170 million iPhones in the first three quarters of 2017, compared to 211.9 million in all of 2016.
The 8 and 8 Plus, which will most likely go on sale a week after their official unveiling, are expected to cost around £599 and £719 respectively.
iPhone 8和8 Plus很可能将在正式发布一周后开售,预计售价分别约为599英镑(约合人民币5100元)和719英镑(约合人民币6200元)。
AirPods 2在外观上变化很小,仅仅将充电指示灯从内部移到了外部。新的Apple Watch会有“腮红金”(Blush Gold)配色和灰色陶瓷两个版本。
a set-up process for Face ID - an alternative to the Touch ID system fingerprint system - that says it can be used to unlock handsets and make online purchases from Apple, among other uses
Face ID的设置过程——该系统是Touch ID指纹识别系统的替代品,据称其用途包括刷脸解锁、从苹果商店刷脸网购等等。
据了解,用户在设置该程序时,必须将手机放置在距离脸部大约25-50厘米的距离,然后向各个方向倾斜头部,以便脸部的所有角度都被识别。这就像在设置Touch ID时,需要将手指的指纹无限贴合 Home 健,以被完全收录。

the introduction of Animoji - animated emoji characters that mirror a user's captured facial expressions

Animoji使用了iPhone 8的面部识别功能,用户可根据自己的面部表情来创建自定义3D表情。Animoji能传达多种表情,包括抬眉毛、抬下巴、睁开或眯起眼睛、动下巴和嘴唇,还有像皱眉和微笑时牵扯的嘴角。据苹果公司表示,该功能将在消息类APP中得到应用。