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    The UN has unanimously adopted its strongest sanctions yet on North Korea, aimed at depriving Pyongyang of more than $1.3bn in annual revenues and boosting pressure on Kim Jong Un’s regime following its recent nuclear test.

    在朝鲜不久前进行核试验之后,联合国(UN)已一致通过迄今最强力的对朝制裁措施,希望令该国丧失每年逾13亿美元的收入,并向金正恩(Kim Jong Un)政权施加更大压力。

    The measures, which include an embargo on textile exports, a halt to employing additional North Korean workers overseas and a cap on refined petroleum trading that will reduce oil imports by 30 per cent, won support from China and Russia, but only after stronger proposals circulated by the US were watered down.


    “Combined with the previous Security Council resolutions, over 90 per cent of North Korea’s publicly reported 2016 exports of $2.7bn are now banned,” said a statement from the US mission to the UN, adding they were “the strongest sanctions ever imposed on North Korea”.


    The Trump administration originally pushed for a UN Security Council resolution that would place an embargo on refined petroleum exports to North Korea. But according to the final resolution, Pyongyang can import 500,000 tonnes over the final three months of 2017 and 2m tonnes in 2018. It will also be banned from importing all natural gas liquids.


    Washington, which estimates the textile ban alone will cost the Kim regime $800m, is trying to ratchet up the pressure on Pyongyang to boost its leverage ahead of any future talks with North Korea about dismantling its nuclear programme.


    The stakes have increased dramatically this year as North Korea has accelerated the pace of its rocket tests, conducting two intercontinental ballistic missiles launches and flying a ballistic missile over Japan. Most recently, Pyongyang conducted its sixth nuclear test of what it said was a hydrogen bomb.


    “Today we are saying the world will never accept a nuclear armed North Korea,” said Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the UN. “It is alone, it is dark and it is getting darker,” she said of the regime.

    “今天我们说,世界绝不会接受一个拥有核武器的朝鲜,”美国驻联合国大使尼基•黑利(Nikki Haley)说。“朝鲜孤单,黑暗,并将变得更黑暗,”她在谈起朝鲜政权时表示。

    “We have learned that half-efforts against the regime have not worked,” she added, citing a range of other global measures against the country following intensive lobbying by the US. These include the Philippines cutting off all trade with North Korea, Thailand reducing its ties and Mexico declaring North Korea’s ambassador as persona non grata.


    Ahead of Monday evening’s vote at the UN, Russia and China had signalled their opposition to a complete embargo on petrol and other refined petroleum products. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, last week said that North Korea would rather “eat grass” than yield to outside pressure.

    在周一晚的联合国投票之前,俄罗斯和中国针对实施石油和其他精炼石油产品完全禁运提出了反对意见。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)上周表示,朝鲜将宁愿“吃草”,也不会屈服于外来压力。

    In a statement ahead of the vote, North Korea defended its development of a hydrogen bomb, saying its nuclear programme represents “legitimate self-defensive measures” and that the US has revealed itself “as a bloody-thirsty beast obsessed with the wild dream of reversing [North Korea’s] development of the state nuclear force”.


    It said it would make sure the US pays a “due price” should the resolution pass, threatening to cause the US “the greatest pain and suffering it has ever gone through in its entire history”.


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