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    Dalian Wanda, the acquisitive entertainment and property conglomerate, has published photos on its website of its chairman visiting Hong Kong on Friday, shooting down rumours that the billionaire was barred from leaving mainland China.

    热衷收购的娱乐与房地产集团万达集团(Dalian Wanda Group)在官网发布了其董事长上周五访问香港的照片,粉碎了所谓这名亿万富豪被禁止离开中国内地的传言。

    In late August, the company was hit by rumours from a Chinese-language blog that its billionaire chairman Wang Jianlin had been detained by authorities and forbidden to leave China. The suggestion sent shares in its Hong Kong-listed unit down more than 10 per cent and Wanda says it has pressed charges against the blog, which is based in the US.


    The photos, published on Monday but dated September 8, show Mr Wang alongside Tung Chee-hwa, who led Hong Kong from the British handover of the city to China in 1997 until he stepped down in 2005. The photos shows the emblem of Hong Kong on the wall in the background, indicating that Mr Wang was no longer on mainland Chinese soil.

    这张发布于本周一、但拍摄于9月8日的照片显示,王健林与董建华(Tung Chee-hwa)并肩站一起。董建华从1997年英国把香港主权移交给中国时起担任香港特首,2005年下台。这张照片的背景墙上展示了香港区徽,暗示当时王健林已不再身处中国内地。

      上一篇:中国央行下调中间价 延续人民币跌势 下一篇:联合国再次升级对朝制裁


