The country's US ambassador, Prince Khaled bin Salman, said it was "an historic and big day" and "the right decision at the right time".

Prince Khaled bin Salman
He confirmed that women will not have to get permission from their male guardians to take driving lessons, and would be able to drive anywhere they liked.
The move was welcomed by the US state department, which called it "a great step in the right direction".
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres echoed that sentiment.

Under the current system, only men are allowed driving licenses and women who drive in public risk being arrested and fined.

Because of the law, many families have had to employ private drivers to help transport female relatives.
Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul, who was detained for 73 days in 2017 for flouting the ban, tweeted "thank God" following the announcement.
沙特社会活动人士Loujain al Hathloul在今年因为无视女性禁止驾车的法令而被拘留73天,她在得知这个消息后发推特称“感谢主”。

Manal al-Sharif, an organizer of the Women2Drive campaign who has also been imprisoned for driving, said on Twitter that Saudi Arabia would "never be the same again".
Women2Drive运动的组织者Manal al-Sharif也曾因驾驶汽车被关押。她在推特上说,沙特“再也不像以前那样了”。

吉达市的社会活动家Sahar Nassif称自己“非常激动,高兴得上蹿下跳”(very, very excited - jumping up and down and laughing),她告诉BBC:
"I'm going to buy my dream car, a convertible Mustang, and it's going to be black and yellow."
除了Sahar Nassif,不少沙特女性也在推特上晒出了她们梦想中的座驾:

This decree is huge for Saudi Arabia. For decades now, Saudi women, many of whom are extremely well-educated and ambitious, have been waiting for their chance to participate fully in their country's economy.
The reason it has taken so long is the long-standing opposition from religious conservatives, who have expressed views varying from "they are too stupid to drive" to "it will lead to intolerable mingling of the sexes".

For all this time families have had to stretch their budgets to the limit, as they have had to hire in imported chauffeurs from south and south-east Asia, house them, feed them and insure them. An estimated 800,000 imported chauffeurs currently ferry Saudi women around.
Yet this decree is in line with a programme called Vision 2030, promoted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, to modernize Saudi society and bring it more into line with the rest of the world.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman