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    Britain’s greatest economic strength is the ingenuity of its people. With world-class universities, a distinguished history of technological innovation and a global reputation for inventive design, Britain is justifiably proud of its creative firepower. Trinity College, Cambridge has produced nine-times as many Nobel-winning scientists as China.

    英国最大的经济优势是英国人民的聪明才智。拥有世界一流的大学、辉煌的科技创新史以及享誉全球的创新设计,英国完全有理由为自身的创造性火力感到自豪。剑桥三一学院(Trinity College, Cambridge)培养的获得诺贝尔奖的科学家是中国培养的9倍。

    But Britain’s intellectual vibrancy has been matched by its appalling record of commercialising inventions. Various government reports have examined why the country has been so bad at building global businesses off the back of its technological breakthroughs. Traditional culprits range from managerial incompetence to an overly short-term perspective to a lack of scale-up finance.


    Another factor, though, has played a part: many of Britain’s promising technology companies have gone into the maw of foreign buyers. Imagination Technologies, laid low by the cancellation of its contract with Apple, is just the latest, after agreeing a deal with the Chinese-backed Canyon Bridge.

    不过,还有一个因素也起到了一定作用:英国许多有前途的科技公司已被外国买家收入囊中。因苹果公司(Apple)取消合同而遭受打击的Imagination Technologies正是最新一例,该公司已与中资背景的Canyon Bridge达成收购协议。

    At a time when the government is trying to chart a new industrial course for a post-Brexit world, it is worth reconsidering the structures of the country’s investment regime. The first principle to reaffirm is that Britain remains open for business and warmly welcomes foreign investment, including takeovers. Foreign investors have injected much-needed managerial expertise and long-term finance into the country’s economy. To take just one example, the British car industry, for so long the joke of the industrialised world, has been revived over the past two decades, largely thanks to Japanese, German, and Indian investment.


    But there is a case for additional scrutiny in two particular areas. The first focuses on the high-tech sector. There is a difference between the world of atoms and the world of bits. There will always be a case for manufacturers to build plants close to consumers and put down roots in the local economy. Intellectual property, on the other hand, can disappear in the click of a mouse.


    To many, it has been dismaying to see all of the “Cambridge Cluster” of tech companies being snapped up by foreign buyers. The government has been right to highlight robotics and artificial intelligence as strategic economic priorities. It would be a shame if Britain became no more than a nursery for foreign acquirers in these fields. Requiring assurances from acquirers of British companies that the work of generating intellectual property will remain in Britain amounts to protecting a national asset.

    看到“剑桥产业集群”(Cambridge Cluster)所有科技公司都被外国买家吞噬一空,令很多人感到沮丧。英国政府强调把机器人和人工智能作为战略经济优先没有错。如果英国仅仅变成外国收购者在这些领域的“苗圃”,那将是一种耻辱。要求收购者保证将打造知识产权的工作留在英国就相当于保护一项国家资产。

    The second area of scrutiny concerns purchases by companies that are effectively state controlled or funded. It would be naive to regard Chinese companies, in particular, as private enterprises in the western sense. China is mercantilist power which uses its corporations for national strategic ends. Often — as in the case of Huawei and HNA, both energetic acquirers — the ownership and funding structures of many Chinese companies are opaque.


    One solution would be for the UK to create an inter-agency investment body, similar to the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States, to review foreign investments on the grounds of national security and economic strategy. Cfius has provided a useful additional layer of scrutiny, even if it has rarely blocked takeovers in practice.


    Any investment review process can be perverted into a tool for protectionist politicians. A British Cfius would require a tight mandate and close supervision. Even if the Cfius model doesn’t fit Britain, the country needs a more coherent approach to takeovers.


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