Seoul plans to allow the affected local retailers including duty free shop operators to defer various kinds of tax payments for up to nine months to help them tide over China’s continued consumer backlash against Korean products.
It will also offer low-interest loans to car parts makers to ease their liquidity crunch as Korean automakers such as Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors suffer from sliding sales in their biggest market. The scheme will be funded by state-run institutions such as the Export-Import Bank of Korea and Korea Trade Insurance Corp.
韩国政府还将向汽车零部件生产商提供低息贷款,缓解它们的流动性紧张。现代汽车(Hyundai Motor)和起亚汽车(Kia Motors)等韩国车企目前正在它们最大的市场遭遇销量下滑。该计划将得到韩国进出口银行(Export-Import Bank of Korea)和韩国贸易保险公司(Korea Trade Insurance Corp)等国有机构的资助。
The supporting measures announced on Thursday also include plans to stimulate the stagnant domestic tourism industry amid falling Chinese visits. The number of Chinese visitors plunged 65.7 per cent in the second quarter through June after Beijing in March banned travel agents from selling group tours to South Korea.
South Korean retailers have become the biggest casualty of the diplomatic tension between Seoul and Beijing over the controversial deployment of the missile defense system. The country’s biggest retailers such as Lotte and Shinsegae are planning to withdraw from China amid mounting losses due to a government-led boycott while other Korean consumer goods makers are also weighing scaling back operations in China.
Hyundai reported that China sales dropped 42 per cent year on year in the six months to the end of June, while at affiliate Kia they fell 54 per cent as they blamed “anti-Korea sentiment”. The Chinese market is crucial for both carmakers and accounts for more than a fifth of Hyundai’s sales.