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    Wolfgang Schäuble has warned that spiralling levels of global debt and liquidity present a major risk to the world economy, in his parting shot as Germany’s finance minister.

    沃尔夫冈•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)在即将卸任德国财长时警告称,全球债务和流动性的急剧上升,对世界经济构成一种重大风险。

    In an interview with the Financial Times, the Europhile who has steered one of the world’s largest economies for the past eight years, said there was a danger of “new bubbles” forming due to the trillions of dollars that central banks have pumped into markets.


    Mr Schäuble also warned of risks to stability in the eurozone, particularly those posed by bank balance sheets burdened by the post-crisis legacy of non-performing loans.


    A strong advocate of fiscal rectitude, Mr Schäuble dominated Europe’s policy response to the eurozone debt crisis and has been vilified in countries such as Greece as an architect of austerity.


    But he will mainly be remembered as the most ardently pro-European politician in German chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet, skilled at selling the benefits of the euro and of deeper European integration to an often sceptical German public.

    但是,他将主要被铭记为德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)内阁中最坚定拥护欧盟事业的政治人物,擅长于向经常持怀疑态度的德国公众推销欧元以及推进欧洲一体化的好处。

    Mr Schäuble told the FT that the Brexit vote last year had demonstrated how “foolish” it was to listen to “demagogues who say . . . we’re paying too much for Europe”.


    “In that respect they made a great contribution to European integration,” he said. “Though in the short term that doesn’t really help Britain.”


    Mr Schäuble is to move to a new job as Speaker of the German Bundestag.


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