In its biennial survey of the UK economy on Tuesday, the Paris-based organisation said there were already signs that Brexit-related uncertainty is damaging Britain’s economic performance. The OECD said a reversal of the Brexit decision — either as the result of a second referendum or at the hands of a new government — would have a “significant” positive impact on growth.
But in a press conference in London on Tuesday, Angel Gurría, secretary-general of the OECD, sought to play down the suggestion that the Brexit vote should be reversed, saying: “After the decision, regardless of what I personally and the OECD institutionally had been advocating for before the referendum, we now are devoted to . . . make the transformation and to make the deal as seamless, as smooth as possible.”
但在周二于伦敦举行的记者会上,经合组织秘书长安赫尔•古里亚(Angel Gurría)试图淡化英国退欧决定应该被推翻的提议,表示:“在那个决定出炉之后,不管我个人和经合组织在全民公投之前怎么主张,我们现在都致力于……使过渡时期、使相关协议尽可能平稳和无缝。”
He said the exit negotiations involved “mind-boggling complexity” to undo 40 years of integration between the UK and the EU, and that negotiators should not be “wedded” to a particular timetable. But he added there were “no cataclysmic scenarios here”.
A UK government spokesperson said: “We are working to achieve the best deal with the EU that protects jobs and the economy. We aim to agree a free-trade agreement that is comprehensive and ambitious.”
But pro-Brexit MPs rejected the OECD report on Tuesday. Gisela Stuart, the Labour MP, said: “It is laughable that the EU-funded OECD, at a time that is the most helpful possible for Brussels, has the gall to intervene in our negotiations.”
但是,支持退欧的英国议员周二表示不接受经合组织的报告。工党议员吉斯拉•斯图尔特(Gisela Stuart)称:“真是可笑,欧盟资助的经合组织,在对欧盟可能最有利的时候,居然有脸来干预我们的谈判。”
“The British public didn’t believe the OECD’s scaremongering before, and nor should they start now,” she said.
The OECD report also said the government should do more to address low productivity, which has in Britain lagged behind other industrialised economies for decades. The report highlighted the particularly low level of output per hour by workers outside London and the South East.
Boosting productivity is viewed as the only way to ensure UK living standards improve. Output per hour has stagnated since 2010 in the UK but has grown in other industrialised economies. The most-recent official data show productivity was 0.6 per cent lower in the second quarter of 2017 than in the final quarter of 2016.