知名投资简讯撰写人、经常在电视上发表专家观点的麦嘉华(Marc Faber)宣称,美国之所以成功,只是因为当初是白人定居在了美国。他写道,“感谢上帝,当年移居到美国的是白人、而非黑人”。这番话迅速引发了反弹。
“Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority. I am not a racist, but the reality — no matter how politically incorrect — needs to be spelt out,” the Swiss forecaster known as Dr Doom wrote in a newsletter for investors seen by the FT.
Mr Faber, a former investment banker at Drexel Burnham Lambert’s Hong Kong office who now lives in Thailand, is best known for his permanently bearish views on markets and the economy, which he shares through his “Gloom, Boom and Doom Report” newsletter.
以永远看空市场和经济闻名的麦嘉华在《股市枯荣及厄运报告》(Gloom, Boom and Doom Report)一文中表达了上述观点。麦嘉华曾经是德崇证券(Drexel Burnham Lambert)香港办事处的投资银行家,现在住在泰国。
The reaction from the TV networks on which he appears was fairly swift, with Fox, CNBC and Bloomberg each banning him, while the board of a Canadian fund manager said it would call for his resignation as a director.
Peter Grosskopf, chief executive of Sprott, a Toronto-based global asset manager, said the company would speak to Mr Faber to ensure there was no “mistake”, but was “deeply disappointed” and shocked by his comments.
总部位于多伦多的全球资产管理公司Sprott的首席执行官彼得•格罗斯科普夫(Peter Grosskopf)表示,该公司会跟麦嘉华谈一下以确保没有任何“错误”,但对其言论“深感失望”和震惊。
“We take pride in the fact that we are a global organisation with a racially inclusive employee, client and investment base. Our policies in that regard are crystal clear and well known, “ he said. “As such these comments and thinking are completely unacceptable and we will be taking immediate steps to distance ourselves from Mr. Faber and request his resignation from our board.”
The Swiss-born, Zurich-educated economist also sits on the boards of Orion Engineered Carbons and Ivanhoe Mines, and is the chairman of Indochina Capital, an investment company focused on Vietnam. None of them immediately responded to a request for comment.
这位出生于瑞士、在苏黎世接受教育的经济学家还是Orion Engineered Carbons和Ivanhoe Mines的董事,同时也是专注于越南市场的投资公司Indochina Capital的董事长。这些公司没有立即回应记者提出的置评请求。
Although he has often been wrong — in 2009 Mr Faber predicted that the US would “100 per cent” suffer hyperinflation as a result of the Fed’s low interest rates — his newsletter still enjoys a following, and Mr Faber is still a frequent guest on various financial TV channels. 尽管麦嘉华的预测屡屡出错——他在2009年预测,由于美联储(Fed)的低利率政策,美国将“百分之百”出现恶性通胀——但麦嘉华的投资简讯仍有拥趸,他仍然频繁在众多财经电视频道上担任嘉宾。
On his website, Mr Faber describes himself as a “congenial, contrarian and shrewd Swiss investment adviser”.
The comments, which were made in a 15-page report dated October 3, followed a discussion of basic income and the recent debate over the removal of Confederate symbols in the US.
Mr Faber described them as “statues of honourable people whose only crime was to defend what all societies had done for more than 5,000 years: keep a part of the population enslaved”.
When reached by the Financial Times, Mr Faber, whose business is based in Hong Kong, stood by his remarks, saying: “If stating some historical facts makes me a racist, then I suppose that I am a racist. For years, Japanese were condemned because they denied the Nanking massacre.”
In a newsletter following the financial crisis, Mr Faber said that the US government’s efforts to prop up the economy were useless because most of the money would seep abroad.
“If we spend that money at Walmart, the money goes to China. If we spend it on gasoline it goes to the Arabs. If we buy a computer, it will go to India. If we purchase fruits and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala,” he wrote.
“If we purchase a good car, it will go to Germany and Japan. If we purchase useless crap, it will go to Taiwan. In short, none of it will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is to spend it on prostitutes and beer, since these are the only products still produced in the US. I’ve been doing my part.”