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    The only vessels at Sri Lanka’s $1.3bn Hambantota port, opened with fanfare seven years ago, are a handful of idle tugs and a small, half-sunken wreck. At a $209m international airport 20km to the north, two women attend the information desk 10 hours after the day’s second and final flight. Nearby lies a 34,000-seat cricket stadium that has hosted one professional encounter in the past two years.


    The grand assets are all named after Mahinda Rajapaksa, the former president who, before his shock 2015 election defeat, borrowed huge sums from Chinese state entities to drive development in his lightly populated southern home district.

    这些庞大资产都以斯里兰卡前总统马欣达•拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapaksa)的名字命名,在2015年意外败选之前,他从中国国有实体那里借入巨额资金,推动他人口稀少的南部家乡的发展。

    But with the flagship port mired in heavy losses, the new government in July ceded a controlling interest to Beijing-controlled China Merchants Port in exchange for a $1.1bn debt write-off. The deal has been denounced by government critics as an erosion of sovereignty — and spurred regional powerhouse India into investments of its own, amid concerns in New Delhi about China’s growing regional clout.

    但在这个旗舰港口蒙受巨额亏损之际,斯里兰卡新政府7月将港口控股权让与中国政府控股的中国招商局港口控股有限公司(China Merchants Port,简称:招商局港口),换得11亿美元债务减记。政府批评人士谴责这笔交易侵蚀国家主权,并刺激地区强国印度投资自己在斯里兰卡的港口——印度对中国日益增长的地区影响力感到担忧。

    “Government is playing geopolitics with national assets? #stopsellingSL,” tweeted Namal Rajapaksa, Hambantota’s MP and son of the former president.

    汉班托塔议员、前总统拉贾帕克萨的儿子纳马尔•拉贾帕克萨(Namal Rajapaksa)在Twitter上发帖称:“政府正用国有资产玩地缘政治?#别再变卖斯里兰卡”

    The Rajapaksa government courted China as ties frayed with the west over alleged war crimes during the closing months of the Sri Lankan civil war in 2009. Beijing has used the opportunity to further its Belt and Road initiative, through which it is investing hundreds of billions of dollars in trade-related infrastructure in Asia and Africa, with port development at the heart of the strategy.


    After its 2015 election, President Maithripala Sirisena’s government showed signs of coolness towards Beijing, having campaigned on a promise to scrutinise recent foreign investments. But it found no good alternative to the port’s Chinese takeover, says Harsha de Silva, deputy minister for national policies.

    在2015年当选后,斯里兰卡现任总统迈特里帕拉•西里塞纳(Maithripala Sirisena)领导的政府显示出对中国冷淡的迹象,高调承诺审查近期的外国投资。但斯里兰卡国家政策副部长哈沙•德席尔瓦(Harsha de Silva)表示,除了这个港口被中国收购,政府没有发现其他的好选择。

    “We inherited this thing,” he says. “One and a half billion dollars and nothing to show. Loans were coming due, we had to make payment and we hadn’t the capacity to bring large-scale business to Hambantota.”


    The only large vessels that stop here are carrying cars, which are forced to do so by state directive. But the port’s proponents argue that under the management of CMP, one of the world’s largest operators, expertise and industry connections could turn it into a serious operation.


    “This is a blue-chip listed company we are working with,” says P Dissanayake, chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority, noting that big global funds have invested in CMP through its Hong Kong listing. “Do you think its shareholders will allow it to invest more than $1bn in a white elephant?”

    斯里兰卡港务局(Sri Lanka Ports Authority)主席P•迪萨纳亚克(P Dissanayake)表示:“我们正与一家蓝筹股上市公司合作。”他指出,招商局港口通过在香港上市,得到了大规模的全球投资。“你认为它的股东会同意它斥资逾10亿美元投资一个毫无价值的东西吗?”

    Crucial to the port’s growth, he says, will be Chinese investment in an adjacent 15,000-acre special economic zone that opened in January. Sri Lankan officials hope Chinese manufacturers will view the zone as an opportunity to gain tariff-free access to India’s market, using Colombo’s trade agreement with New Delhi.


    If Chinese shipping companies embrace the new port, it could bolster Sri Lanka’s status as a South Asian hub for seaborne cargo, says Murtaza Jafferjee at JB Securities in Colombo. CMP already operates a vast container terminal at the country’s biggest port in Colombo, which is being expanded in a $1.4bn Chinese-funded project — Sri Lanka’s biggest foreign direct investment to date.

    科伦坡JB证券(JB Securities)的穆尔塔扎•加法尔吉(Murtaza Jafferjee)说,如果中国的船运公司拥抱这个新港口,斯里兰卡作为南亚海运枢纽之一的地位将得到提升。在位于科伦坡的斯里兰卡最大港口,招商局港口已经运营着一个大型集装箱码头,该港口正在进行中国出资的14亿美元扩建项目,这是迄今为止该国最大一笔外商直接投资(FDI)。

    Yet the increasing Chinese presence has threatened to complicate Sri Lanka’s relationship with neighbouring India, which has grown to rely heavily on Sri Lanka’s port infrastructure. The technical limitations of India’s own ports, coupled with their distance from main international sea lanes, mean most of India’s container shipments have to be “trans-shipped” through foreign ports visited by large vessels — with Colombo accounting for roughly half of this.


    With strategic tension rising between India and China — as evidenced by a recent stand-off between their forces on a remote Himalayan plateau — the growing Chinese presence in Sri Lanka appears to have prompted action from New Delhi. An Indian state company has offered to take a controlling stake in the airport near Hambantota on a 40-year-lease, proposing to invest $205m despite heavy continuing losses. “It’s a political decision with no commercial logic,” Mr Jafferjee says.


    New Delhi is also pursuing the development of a natural gas project at the east coast town of Trincomalee, sparking speculation that this could prove a precursor to Indian port development in the area to counterbalance China’s investments in the south and west.


    Colombo has sought to assuage Indian fears about China’s grip on its coastline, stressing that a Sri Lankan state-controlled company will oversee ships’ access to Hambantota, while the Chinese navy will be barred from the port. But the details of the agreement remain secret and some analysts question how watertight the latter provision may prove.


    In the Hambantota area itself, villagers have staged protests against the Chinese-led economic zone, fearing forced acquisition of their land as the project grows. Even the local business community is sceptical, anticipating a Chinese enclave minimally integrated with the local economy, says Hemantha Padmalal, president of the Hambantota District Chamber of Commerce.

    在汉班托塔本地,村民们举行了针对中国主导的经济区的抗议活动,担心随着项目的发展,他们的土地会被强征。汉班托塔地区商会主席赫曼塔•帕德马拉(Hemantha Padmalal)说,甚至当地的企业界也心存质疑,他们预计这块中国的“飞地”与当地经济的融合极为有限。

    But others view the development as encouraging proof of this small country’s ability to attract the attention of much larger powers as Asia’s economic and strategic contours evolve.


    Even as rights groups continue to attack the government for failing to prosecute alleged war criminals, Colombo has normalised its relations with the west. It has been promised a big aid injection from Washington and is on the verge of regaining a preferential trade relationship with the EU. Japan and South Korea, meanwhile, are funding infrastructure development in the mountainous central province.


    “There is a phrase, ‘strategic promiscuity’, which is what we should indulge in,” says Indrajit Coomaraswamy, governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. “The trick is to get everybody to come.”

    “有个词叫做‘战略乱交’(strategic promiscuity),我们应当好好用用,”斯里兰卡央行(Central Bank of Sri Lanka)行长英德拉吉特•库马拉斯瓦米(Indrajit Coomaraswamy)说,“诀窍就是让大家都来。”

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