Some Catalan ministers have signalled they will refuse to recognise directives by the Spanish government this weekend removing them from office. Activists have promised to take to the streets and defend ministers as they try and return to work.
Oriol Junqueras, the former number two in the Catalan government, wrote in an open letter in Catalan newspaper El Punt-Avui on Sunday arguing that he and his colleagues were still in power as they were elected by the Catalan people.
加泰罗尼亚政府前二号人物奥里奥尔•洪克拉斯(Oriol Junqueras)周日在加泰罗尼亚报纸《今日观点》(El Punt Avui)发表公开信,辩称他和他的同事们仍握有权力,因为他们是由加泰罗尼亚人民选举出来的。
But while tensions remain high, there were also signs over the weekend that the secessionist onslaught may be losing some momentum. Carles Puigdemont, who was ousted as leader of the regional government on Saturday, called for “peaceful opposition” to direct rule but did not say whether he or others would resist it.
虽然局势仍高度紧张,但周末也有一些迹象显示,分离主义势力可能在失去势头。上周六被革职的加泰罗尼亚自治区主席卡莱斯•普伊格德蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)呼吁加泰罗尼亚人民“和平反对”西班牙政府的直接统治,但并未表示他或其他人是否会加入反抗。
Josep Lluis Trapero, who was removed as Catalan police chief on Saturday, urged the regional force to comply with orders from Madrid.
上周六被解除加泰罗尼亚自治区警察局局长职务的何塞普•路易•特拉佩罗(Josep Lluis Trapero)敦促该地区警察队伍服从马德里方面的命令。
Tensions in the region reached boiling point on Friday after the Catalan parliament voted to become an independent republic. Hours later Madrid used exceptional powers to fire the government, dissolve the parliament and take over government ministries. New regional elections have been called for December 21.
There has long been fear that the imposition of direct rule would lead to a sustained campaign of opposition to Madrid. But open defiance by Catalan ministers and possibly institutions could put Spanish authorities in a difficult spot. They will have to work out how to enforce their own orders without resorting to force, which could inflame region further.
On Sunday, political developments were dominated by a vast anti-independence demonstration in Barcelona. An estimated 300,000 people according to the police marched under banners that read “We won’t let Spain to be torn into pieces” and “The awakening of a silenced nation”. The organisers claimed more than 1m people joined the march.