Canyon Bridge创始人周斌在美被控证券欺诈
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    American prosecutors have charged the founder of a private equity firm with ties to the Chinese state with insider trading related to the firm’s blocked acquisition of Lattice Semiconductor Corp.

    美国检察官起诉了一家与中国国有资本有关系的私人股本公司的创始人,原因是他涉嫌从事与该公司收购莱迪思半导体(Lattice Semiconductor Corp)有关的内幕交易。这宗收购已被叫停。

    Authorities say Benjamin Chow, a Chinese-born US citizen, founder of Canyon Bridge Capital Partners conspired to commit securities fraud by passing on nonpublic information “through in-person meetings, voice messages, and text exchanges” regarding his firm’s potential acquisition of Lattice to a business associate and friend.

    美国当局表示,美籍华人、Canyon Bridge Capital Partners创始人周斌(Benjamin Chow)串谋实施证券欺诈,“以个人会面、语音信息和文字交流方式”向他的一名商业伙伴兼朋友透露了有关Canyon Bridge可能收购莱迪思半导体的非公开信息。

    A February indictment by the US Securities and Exchange Commission named Mr Chow’s associate and friend as Michael Yin, a Chinese hedge fund manager who is facing separate charges of insider trading.

    美国证交会(SEC) 2月份递交的诉状指出,周斌的这名商业伙伴兼朋友名叫尹少华(Michael Yin),是一家中国对冲基金的经理。尹少华同时还面临其他的内幕交易指控。

    Mr Yin made a series of favourable trades in Lattice that resulted in them earning $5m in profits, according to a statement from the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    纽约南区(Southern District of New York)代理联邦检察官和美国联邦调查局(FBI)发表的一份声明称,尹少华对莱迪思半导体进行了一连串对自己有利的交易,获利500万美元。

    Canyon Bridge was started only last year, with direct backing from China Reform Holdings, a state investment fund. It came under fire after an attempted $1.3bn buyout of Lattice, which would have been the largest acquisition of a U.S. microchip company by a Chinese state-backed firm.

    Canyon Bridge去年才开始运营,得到了国有投资基金中国国新控股(China Reform Holdings)的直接投资。在尝试以13亿美元收购莱迪思半导体后,Canyon Bridge成为众矢之的。这宗收购原本可能成为中国国资背景企业对美国芯片公司的最大一宗收购。

    In September, President Donald Trump personally blocked the deal over national security concerns, despite more than eight months of lobbying from both Canyon Bridge and Lattice to approve the deal.

    今年9月,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)出于对国家安全的担忧,亲自叫停了这宗收购,尽管Canyon Bridge和莱迪思半导体双方均为此交易获批游说了8个多月。

    Canyon Bridge is currently in talks to close a $737 million acquisition of British chipmaker Imagination Technologies Group Plc.

    目前,Canyon Bridge正在谈判,以敲定7.37亿美元收购英国芯片生产商Imagination Technologies Group Plc的交易。

    If found guilty on all counts, Mr Chow could face up to 30 years in prison.


      上一篇:10月份中国制造业、非制造业PMI双双回落 下一篇:欧元区经济信心升至2001年以来最高水平


