Sayfullo Saipov, the suspected driver of a pick-up truck that ploughed through pedestrians and cyclists on a bike path in lower Manhattan, had never been investigated by either the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the New York police intelligence unit, John Miller, deputy commissioner of the NYPD, said at a news conference on Wednesday.
纽约警察局(NYPD)副局长约翰•米勒(John Miller)周三在记者会上表示,驾驶一辆皮卡冲撞曼哈顿下城(Lower Manhattan)一条自行车道上的行人和骑车者的恐袭嫌疑人赛义夫洛•赛波夫(Sayfullo Saipov),此前从未受到联邦调查局(FBI)或纽约警察局情报单位调查。
“But it appears he will have some connectivity to individuals who were the subject of investigations,” he said. The attack, which police described as an isolated incident, killed eight people.
Mr Miller said that investigators recovered notes handwritten in Arabic near the rental truck that Mr Saipov — who was shot by police and is in custody — is suspected of driving. “The gist of the notes was that the Islamic State would endure forever,” Mr Miller said.
“He did this in the name of Isis,” he added.
It was not clear when the 29-year-old Uzbek national, who had entered the country in 2010, was radicalised, Mr Miller said. He said that authorities were interviewing family members, friends and associates of Mr Saipov, but could not offer further details as they investigate the deadliest attack in New York since September 11 2001. President Donald Trump told reporters he would “certainly consider” sending Mr Saipov to Guantánamo Bay.
米勒表示,这名29岁的乌兹别克斯坦男子是2010年来到美国的,尚不清楚他是何时被激进化的。米勒称,当局正在对赛波夫的家人、朋友与同事问话,但还无法提供进一步细节。目前他们正在调查自2001年9月11日以来纽约遭遇的最致命袭击。美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)对记者说,他“当然会考虑”将赛波夫送到关塔那摩湾(Guantánamo Bay)军事监狱。