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    The last Da Vinci in private hands sold for $450m on Wednesday evening after a fevered, 19-minute long round of bidding at Christie’s in Manhattan. It is believed to be the most expensive piece of art ever sold.


    Salvator Mundi — Latin for Saviour of the World — is one of roughly 15 surviving works by Leonardo da Vinci and depicts Jesus Christ in a flowing robe, holding a crystal orb and raising his right hand in benediction.

    《救世主》(Salvator Mundi,拉丁文,指世界的救世主)是莱昂纳多•达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)现存的约15幅画作之一,描画了身着飘逸长袍的耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)手持水晶球并抬起右手祝祷的样子。

    The 67.5cm tall portrait, painted around 1500 and once owned by King Charles I of England, was presumed lost until its rediscovery in 2005. It was publicly unveiled at the Da Vinci exhibition at the National Gallery in London in 2011 following an extensive restoration to fix years of overpainting and neglect.

    这幅高67.5厘米的画像绘于1500年前后,曾归英格兰国王查理一世(King Charles I of England)所有,后来一度被认为遗失,直到2005年被重新发现。2011年,在经历了对多年的重绘和疏忽进行大量修复工作后,这幅画在伦敦国家美术馆(National Gallery)的达芬奇展上公开亮相。

    Jussi Pylkkanen, auctioneer for the evening, opened bidding on the piece at $70m. There were gasps throughout the saleroom in Rockefeller Center when it hit $200m.

    当天晚上的拍卖师尤西•皮尔卡宁(Jussi Pylkkanen)以7000万美元起拍。当竞价追至2亿美元时,洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center)的拍卖场内传出阵阵深呼吸的喘气声。

    Bidders interested in the Da Vinci — Lot 9 of the evening’s sale — were given special red paddles in the salesroom, a move the auction house attributed to the work’s high worth, although much of the action was fuelled by phone bidders.


    The $450m figure includes $50.3m of premiums paid by the buyer to Christie’s for its services.


    Following its sale in 2013, the painting was at the centre of a legal feud between then buyer Dmitry Rybolovlev, the Russian billionaire and owner of AS Monaco football club, and Yves Bouvier, the owner of Natural Le Coultre, one of the largest fine art storage and shipping specialists.

    这幅画曾于2013年被出售,之后一直陷于当时的买家俄罗斯亿万富翁、AS摩纳哥足球俱乐部(AS Monaco football club)的老板德米特里•雷波诺列夫(Dmitry Rybolovlev)与Natural Le Coultre的所有者伊夫•布维耶(Yves Bouvier)之间的法律纠纷中。Natural Le Coultre是全世界最大的艺术品收藏和专业运输公司之一。

    The protracted legal battle has centred around claims that Mr Bouvier had allegedly bought the painting for $80m and sold it to Mr Rybolovlev for $127.5m, a near $50m difference. A small group of critics have even questioned the painting’s authenticity.

    这场旷日持久的法律纠纷的焦点集中在,布维耶据称是以8000万美元的价格购买了这幅油画,并以1.275亿美元的价格出售给了雷波诺列夫,差价将近5000万美元。 一些鉴定家甚至质疑这幅画的真伪。

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