高通(Qualcomm)试图限制iPhone X在美国的销售,这是最新一轮指控苹果(Apple)专利侵权的诉讼。
The three new cases, which are being filed on Wednesday at the Southern California district court and the US International Trade Commission, come just hours after Apple launched a patent-infringement lawsuit of its own against Qualcomm, accusing it of infringing its intellectual property around smartphone power management.
最新的3起诉讼是高通周三在南加州地区法庭和美国国际贸易委员会(US International Trade Commission)提起的,就在几个小时前,苹果刚刚针对高通提起了自己的专利侵权诉讼,指控高通侵犯其在智能手机电源管理领域的知识产权。
The two companies have become embroiled in an ever-widening range of lawsuits since January, when Apple accused one of its leading chip suppliers of ”exclusionary tactics and excessive royalties”.
In the latest development, Qualcomm alleges that Apple infringes 16 patents covering a broad range of smartphone functions, from the user interface and battery management to a camera’s auto-focus.
Five of those patents are asserted in a case at the ITC, an agency which has the power to issue an “exclusion order” banning imports of infringing patents. Qualcomm brought a similar case to the ITC in July but in the latest litigation it is seeking a block on the iPhone X as well as earlier models.
As with its first ITC case, Qualcomm is only seeking an exclusion order against iPhones that use its rival Intel’s modems, not its own chips.
In Wednesday morning’s filing, Apple took aim at that approach, saying that Qualcomm was seeking to “extend its monopoly” over certain cellular wireless chips by asking the ITC to “exclude its only remaining competitor”.
In Wednesday’s brief, Apple also accused Qualcomm of behaving like a “common patent troll”.
在接受英国《金融时报》采访做出回应时,高通首席法律顾问丹•罗森伯格(Don Rosenberg)表示,诉状“花言巧语”,“对于案情没有任何影响”。
Responding to that in an interview with the FT, Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm’s general counsel, said the claim was “rhetoric” that had “no effect on the merits of the case”.
Qualcomm is expanding its patent litigation against Apple because the iPhone maker has told its suppliers to stop paying royalties until their legal disputes are resolved, Mr Rosenberg said.