In one wild 20 minute period, the price of bitcoin soared $2,000 per coin to more than $19,000 only to drop to $15,000 on the Coinbase trading venue. The frenzied demand left other exchanges struggling to cope, and the difference in prices quoted on other venues for the same bitcoin asset was as much $4,000.
“People are looking at a video game as a regular market. And it’s clearly not, otherwise it wouldn’t be where it is already,” said Walter Zimmerman, technical analyst at ICAP TA. “It’s beyond abnormal, it’s unprecedented. Every other commodity has natural sellers.”
“人们正在把一个视频游戏看作一个普通的市场。而它显然不是,否则它就不会像现在这样,”毅联汇业技术分析(ICAP TA)的技术分析师沃尔特•齐默尔曼(Walter Zimmermann)表示。“这已经不只是异常了,这是史无前例的。其他任何商品都有自然卖家。”
The tumult on Thursday came only days before the widely-anticipated first bitcoin futures contracts are due to start trading on Cboe Global Markets Global Markets, the US derivatives exchange. Some investors are betting their introduction will temper the volatility in bitcoin’s price, by allowing traders to hedge their positions in the market.
几天后,广受期待的首批比特币期货合约将开始在美国衍生品交易所——芝加哥期权交易所全球市场(Cboe Global Markets)交易。一些投资者认为,期货的推出将缓和比特币价格的波动,因为交易员将能够在该市场上对冲自己的头寸。
On top the price swings, the companies that service bitcoin trade came under severe pressure as demand for the digital currency continued to escalate.
Bitfinex, one of the largest bitcoin exchanges, said it had been under “significant” denial-of-service attacks — which aim to jam servers by flooding them with requests — for several days. “The attack has recently worsened,” the exchange cautioned.
Peter Smith, chief executive and co-founder at Blockchain.com, which provides “wallets” used for holding digital currencies, appealed to customers to “hang in there” as the site was experiencing “record traffic levels and customer support tickets”.
提供用于存储数字货币的“钱包”的Blockchain.com的首席执行官和联合创始人彼得•史密斯(Peter Smith),呼吁客户“坚持一下”,因为该网站正在经历“创纪录的流量水平和客户支持请求”。
The trading glitches came on top of news that around 4,700 bitcoins — worth about $70m — had been stolen out of a digital wallet at NiceHash, a cryptocurrency platform, the latest in a long line of heists that have plagued bitcoin. Slovenia-based NiceHash told its users on Wednesday that its payment system was compromised and it had contacted the authorities.
Bitcoin developers have struggled to overcome the network’s capacity issues for many years. A spree of updates released earlier this year was supposed to help to ease the congestion burden but in the end only divided the community further, while spawning a doppleganger currency called “bitcoin cash”, currently trading at $1,272.
比特币开发者多年来难以克服网络容量问题。今年早些时候发布的大量更新,本应帮助缓解拥堵负担,但结果只是进一步分化了投资群体,同时产生一种名为“比特币现金”(bitcoin cash)的变形货币,目前价格为1272美元。
“If there’s a dominant marketplace, then maybe all liquidity will go to one place and we will have more of a uniform bitcoin price,” said Matt Brief, head of dealing at IG Group. “At the moment, it’s a lot more subjective,” he added, noting an “interesting arbitrage opportunity” between exchanges.
“如果有一个主导的市场,那么也许所有的流动性都将集中在一个地方,我们将更能获得统一的比特币价格,”IG Group交易负责人马特•布里弗(Matt Brief)表示。“目前的定价主观得多。”他进一步指出,各交易所之间存在一个“有意思的套利机会”。