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    LONDON — Since its inception in 2002, the Saturday Profile has aimed to bring to readers of The New York Times people around the world they probably have never heard of, but who have led interesting lives and done extraordinary things, or perhaps recently gone through a remarkable experience.

    伦敦——自2002年开设以来,“周六人物”(Saturday Profile)便旨在向《纽约时报》的读者介绍世界各地的人。读者可能从来没有听说过这些人,但他们过着有趣的生活,做过不同寻常的事情,或者刚刚有了一段非凡的经历。

    The people we look for usually do not run countries, or headline blockbuster movies, or write best sellers. We leave those to the appropriate sections of the newspaper. Our subjects are more likely to have just emerged from prison, or written their 1,547th novel.


    Or, this year, to be women with a story to tell about abuse, sexual or otherwise — a couple of whom shared #MeToo moments in our pages. Carlotta Gall told the story of Henda Ayari, a French citizen of North African heritage and anti-Salafist activist who accused a prominent Oxford professor of raping her.

    又或者,今年是一群有跟虐待、性或其他有关的故事要讲的女性。她们其中几个人在我们的页面上分享了“我也是”(#MeToo)的经历。卡洛塔·加尔(Carlotta Gall)讲述了汉达·阿亚里(Henda Ayari)的故事。后者是一名拥有北非血统的法国公民,也是一名反萨拉菲派活动人士。她指控牛津大学某知名教授强奸了她。

    Sweden’s foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, a proponent of a “feminist foreign policy,” opened up to Ellen Barry about her abuse at the hands of an old boyfriend when she was a young woman, something she had never said publicly before.

    倡导“女权主义外交政策”的瑞典外交部长玛戈特·瓦尔斯特伦(Margot Wallstrom)向埃伦·巴里(Ellen Barry)敞开心扉,回忆了自己年轻时被当时的男友虐待的经历。她以前从未公开说过此事。

    Perhaps my favorite profile this year was Kiki Zhao’s stirring depiction of the remarkable Yu Xiuhua, now one of China’s most read poets, a woman with cerebral palsy who lived most of her 41 years on a farm, writing at a low table. She never finished high school, and says she “could write before she could read.” Now, she is invited to places like Stanford University and fends off comparisons to Emily Dickinson.

    今年,我最喜欢的人物报道可能是Kiki Zhao对中国目前读者最多的诗人之一余秀华激动人心的描写。余秀华是一个了不起的人。她患有脑瘫,过去41年里大部分时间生活在农村,在一张矮桌子上写作。高中没毕业的她说自己“在能读它们(名著)之前,我就知道如何写作了”。现在,她受邀前往斯坦福大学等地,她不愿被比作艾米丽·迪金森(Emily Dickinson)。

    So take a look. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading them as much as I liked selecting and editing them.


    Manal al-Sharif 马纳尔·阿尔-谢里夫(Manal al-Sharif)

    A Saudi Woman Who Got Behind the Wheel and Never Looked Back

    《一个开车从来不回头看的沙特女子》(A Saudi Woman Who Got Behind the Wheel and Never Looked Back)

    Manal al-Sharif is best known for challenging laws and mores that keep women down in her native country.


    Emma Morano 埃玛·莫拉诺(Emma Morano)

    Remembering the World’s Oldest Person, in the Objects She Left Behind

    《在生前留下的物品中回忆世界上最长寿的人》(Remembering the World’s Oldest Person, in the Objects She Left Behind)

    Emma Morano’s singular achievement in life may have been perseverance. She lived for 117 years, crediting her longevity to raw eggs and her lack of a husband. She died on April 15.


    Margot Wallstrom 玛戈特·瓦尔斯特伦(Margot Wallstrom)

    Sweden’s Proponent of ‘Feminist Foreign Policy,’ Shaped by Abuse

    《受虐待经历影响的瑞典“女权主义外交政策”倡导者》(Sweden’s Proponent of ‘Feminist Foreign Policy,’ Shaped by Abuse)

    As foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, who broke free from a violent relationship in her 20s, is challenging assumptions in a traditionally male sphere.


    Henda Ayari 汉达·阿亚里(Henda Ayari)

    ‘I Could Not Forget What Happened to Me That Night With Him’

    《我无法忘记那天晚上和他在一起时发生的事》(‘I Could Not Forget What Happened to Me That Night With Him’)

    Henda Ayari created a storm when she denounced radical Islam. Now, inspired by the #MeToo campaign, she has accused an Oxford professor of rape.

    汉达·阿亚里谴责激进的伊斯兰教,制造了一场风暴。现在,在#我也是 运动的鼓舞下,她指控牛津大学的一位教授强奸她。

    Olive Yang 杨金秀(Olive Yang)

    The Female Warlord Who Had C.I.A. Connections and Opium Routes

    《出生于缅甸皇室的她成为军阀和大毒枭》(The Female Warlord Who Had C.I.A. Connections and Opium Routes)

    Born to royalty in Burma, Olive Yang, who died on July 31, rejected her birthright to become a cross-dressing warlord and opium trafficker.


    Asli Erdogan 阿斯利·埃尔多安(Asli Erdogan)

    Torn Ballet Shoes, and a Life Upended

    《被撕破的芭蕾舞鞋和突变的生活》(Torn Ballet Shoes, and a Life Upended)

    Asli Erdogan, a novelist of the “dark, pessimistic,” is struggling to process her own grim experience: months in prison.


    Letizia Battaglia 莱蒂齐娅·巴塔利亚(Letizia Battaglia)

    A Sicilian Photographer of the Mafia and Her ‘Archive of Blood’

    《一名拍摄黑手党的西西里摄影师和她的“鲜血档案”》(A Sicilian Photographer of the Mafia and Her ‘Archive of Blood’)

    Letizia Battaglia chronicled Palermo’s Mafia wars in the 1970s and ’80s for a local newspaper. Now, her images appear in museums and retrospectives.


    Sinta Nuriyah 辛塔·努里亚(Sinta Nuriyah)

    A Former First Lady Presses On for a Tolerant, Feminist Islam

    《前第一夫人要求伊斯兰教变得宽容并支持女权》(A Former First Lady Presses On for a Tolerant, Feminist Islam)

    Sinta Nuriyah carries forth her family’s campaign in Indonesia, holding interfaith events and establishing a network of progressive Islamic boarding schools for girls.


    Yu Xiuhua 余秀华

    A Chinese Poet’s Unusual Path From Isolated Farm Life to Celebrity

    《余秀华:从普通农妇到著名诗人》(A Chinese Poet’s Unusual Path From Isolated Farm Life to Celebrity)

    Yu Xiuhua, born with cerebral palsy, lived a quiet village life. She is now a literary sensation whose vivid, erotic poems are “stained with blood.”


    Alice Schwarzer 艾丽斯·斯瓦策尔(Alice Schwarzer)

    A Pioneering German Feminist Looks Back in Anguish

    《一位德国女权主义先锋在痛苦中回顾过去》(A Pioneering German Feminist Looks Back in Anguish)

    Alice Schwarzer, who has battled for women’s rights for years, is stunned that “an old-school sexist” like Donald J. Trump could win the United States presidency.


    Maryam Sharif 玛丽亚姆·谢里夫(Maryam Sharif)

    In Pakistani Fray, Maryam Sharif Is on the Edge of Power, or Prison

    《在巴基斯坦的争斗中,玛丽亚姆·谢里夫正处在权力的边缘,也或许是监狱》(In Pakistani Fray, Maryam Sharif Is on the Edge of Power, or Prison)

    She had recently emerged as the right hand of her father, the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. But corruption charges are clouding her rapid rise.

    她最近成了她的父亲、前总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(Nawaz Sharif)的左膀右臂。但腐败指控给她的迅速崛起蒙上了阴影。

      上一篇:FT社评:美欧日联手对付中国将考验全球贸易体系 下一篇:2017年大受欢迎的8项创意发明


