First and foremost, wages. Will they finally grow robustly and broadly or not? Over the past decade, the US has seen a jobless recovery followed by a wageless recovery. There are plenty of jobs now — just 4 per cent of Americans are unemployed — and, over the past 12 months, wages started to grow as well.
But it has been too little too late and, for the most part, too concentrated at the extreme ends of the spectrum. Lower-level workers (in home healthcare, hospitality and retail) and superstars in high wage fields (such as the financial services industry) have seen gains, but most of the rest of us have not.
Why is that? There are plenty of data-driven reasons that one could give, but I persist in thinking that a key reason for sluggish wage growth is psychological. In the US, baby-boomers and millennials are now the single largest cohorts in the workplace. I cannot quite imagine the 50-plus crowd, worried about ageism and being replaced by technology they do not understand, being quick to ask for a raise, even in a tightening job market. Most of them just want to hang on to their current position until retirement.
Meanwhile, millennials are living and working in very different ways than their predecessors. They crave freedom and flexibility as much as higher wages. We will see if the trend holds once these 20-somethings start having kids and buying homes, but last week’s US Federal Reserve minutes noted that many employers are giving out additional benefits or non-traditional working arrangements rather than raises, even with 3 per cent growth and the tailwind of the largest tax cut in 30 years about to kick in. This would seem to support the idea that our conventional ideas about labour markets, like so many things in the economy today, need to be rethought.
The other thing to watch, of course, is corporate spending. With the public sector, hamstrung by partisanship, holding the majority of new debt created since the financial crisis, and more significant consumer demand constrained by the lack of serious wage hikes, it is up to corporations to buoy the economy.
According to Republicans, that was the whole point of the tax cut — to encourage companies to bring back their overseas cash hoard and invest it in productive capital expenditure. While we have seen a few post-tax cut announcements about bonuses and more hiring on the part of companies such as AT&T, CVS and FedEx, it is very likely that the majority of companies will spend the bulk of their tax savings on mergers and acquisitions, share buybacks and dividend payments, just as they did last year (indeed, the Fed minutes hint at just that).
Why would they do otherwise, when there are no quid pro quos in the tax bill to force them to, and more than half of corporate compensation is linked to share prices that are driven up by this sort of financial engineering?
Pouring more money into the market (which is already three and a half times the size of the real economy, just like in 2007) may keep animal spirits high for a few more quarters. But this should be juxtaposed against the effect of the Fed’s balance sheet deleveraging (which will really be felt by mid 2018) and likely rate hikes. These two factors could start to puncture the record corporate debt bubble, flush out weaker players and trigger a correction.
“I’m quite worried about corporate debt,” says Bricklin Dwyer, senior US economist at BNP Paribas. “I think you’ll see very different corporate and market behaviour when borrowing costs are, say, 5-7 per cent rather than 3-5 per cent.”
“我相当担心企业债务,”法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)高级美国经济学家布里克林•德怀尔(Bricklin Dwyer)表示,“当借贷成本上升时,比如上升至5%-7%,而不是3%-5%的水平,我认为你会看到企业和市场行为变得截然不同。”
Finally, if a correction comes by the end of the year, where does it come from? On that score, and many others, I will be watching the tech sector. It has been the main driver of global equities over the past year, yet its business model is based on light touch regulation, something that looks likely to change.
Some of the trigger points in the next few quarters could be the EU’s reaction to Google’s efforts to comply with its rulings around anti-competitive behaviour (which competitors say do not go far enough), a restriction of bitcoin trading, state-by-state antitrust cases involving the FANGs — Facebook, Apple, Netflix and Google — or new revelations about Russian election meddling involving social media.
In the past week, we have seen the US government taking a firmer regulatory hand, with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US vetoing China’s Ant Financial bid for Money Gram, the US money transfer company, on the grounds that it would compromise the data safety of US citizens.
过去一周,我们看到美国政府正在采取更加严厉的监管立场——美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)否决了中国的蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)收购美国汇款公司速汇金(MoneyGram)的交易,理由是该交易会危及美国公民的数据安全。
Data are, after all, the new oil — the most valuable commodity of the digital age. Watch closely who gets to control it — they will be the winners, this year and for many more ahead.
rana.foroohar@ft.com 译者/何黎