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    Almost 20 years ago, the columnist David Brooks caught the spirit of the age. His book Bobos in Paradise hailed the marriage between bohemian 1960s radicals and the money-chasing bourgeoisie of the 1980s. They had merged into the Clintons. In place of America’s Episcopalian elites came the meritocratic establishment. Anyone with talent could join. “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his abilities,” wrote Mr Brooks.

    大约20年前,专栏作家戴维•布鲁克斯(David Brooks)抓住了时代精神。他在《布波族:一个社会新阶层的崛起》(Bobos in Paradise)一书中宣告了1960年代波西米亚激进分子和1980年代追逐金钱的布尔乔亚的结合。这种结合的代表就是克林顿夫妇(the Clintons)这样的人。美国的圣公会派精英们已被重视真才实学的建制派所取代。任何有才之士都可以加入。“各尽所能,按能分配。”布鲁克斯写道。

    This elite disliked glitzy consumption and lowbrow culture. Then, as now, Donald Trump topped the list of pariahs. His victory has strengthened and shattered their worldview. Beneath the conviction about Mr Trump’s wrongness lurks an angst that dare not speak its name. Mr Trump is a distraction from a reckoning that cannot be postponed forever.

    这些精英不喜欢奢华消费和低俗文化。那时,就像现在一样,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)高居贱民名单榜首。他的胜利巩固、也粉碎了他们的世界观。在断言特朗普错了的背后,潜藏着一种不敢直接说出来的焦虑。特朗普将人们的注意力引开,让人们暂时忘记了终极拷问这回事,但这件事不能无限期推迟。

    What will America’s elites see when they look inwards? The first will be the shock of self-recognition. Bourgeois bohemians thought they could have it both ways: capital accumulation and moral certainty with no trade-offs. If you studied hard and earned merit, there was plenty of room at the top.


    But there was a flaw in this thinking. America’s elites have stored more wealth than they can consume. This creates three problems for everyone else. First, elites invest their surpluses in replicating their advantages. Kids raised in poorer neighbourhoods with mediocre schools stand little chance. Their parents cannot match the social capital of their wealthier peers. The drawbridge is rising. The gap between the self image of meritocratic openness and reality is wide. Psychologists call this “self-discrepancy”. Economists call it barriers to entry.


    The second response to having such vast wealth is to create other kinds of scarcity. Since most people now have basic things — cars, smartphones and college education — material goods are no markers of success. Conspicuous consumption is played down. Scarce goods, such as an Ivy League degree or living in a neighbourhood where you do not need a car, are manically contested.

    对拥有如此巨大财富的第二种反应,是创造其他种类的稀缺性。因为现在大多数人都拥有基本的物品——汽车、智能手机和大学教育——物质方面的东西不是成功的标志。炫耀性消费收敛了。人们激烈争夺的是稀缺商品,比如常青藤大学(Ivy League)的学位或居住在你不需要汽车的社区。

    So are cultural advantages. America’s elites preach the gospel of a so-called stem education — science, technology, engineering and maths. But that is for other people. Social capital is about knowing what to say to whom and when, which is a sophisticated skill. Technical learning is for others. Children of the elites are learning how to raise money for philanthropic causes. Economists define this as a positional good. Sociologists call it virtue signalling. Mr Trump calls it political correctness.

    文化优势也是一种。美国精英们宣扬的信条是所谓科学、科技、工程及数学(英文首字母缩写为STEM)教育。但那是给其他人的。社会资本体现在知道在何时对谁说什么——这是一门复杂的技艺。技能学习是留给别人的。精英们的孩子们在学习如何为慈善事业筹款。经济学家将此定义为地位商品(positional good)。社会学家称之为美德显示(virtue signalling)。特朗普称之为政治正确。

    The third challenge is the hardest to fix. Since there is too much capital chasing too few investment opportunities — what Lawrence Summers, former US Treasury secretary, calls “secular stagnation” — today’s America is cursed by an educational arms race. The jobs available do not match the qualifications millennials are acquiring. There is nothing relaxing about being a member of today’s aspiring classes. Kids must study harder and for longer than their parents to find jobs that do not often repay the effort.

    第三个挑战是最难解决的。由于有太多的资本追逐太少的投资机会——美国前财长劳伦斯•萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)称之为“长期性停滞”(secular stagnation)——如今,教育领域的“军备竞赛”成了美国难以摆脱的诅咒。现有的工作岗位与千禧一代所获得的文凭并不匹配。如今当一个成功人士阶层的子弟一点儿也不轻松。孩子们必须比他们的父母花更长时间、更努力地学习,才能找到工作,而这些工作往往对不起他们付出的努力。

    The children of the wealthiest do not need student loans and live off their parents’ capital. The rest are struggling to justify the expense. It is as though they were led up to the promised land at sundown. The ratio of effort to outcome is rising. The more people study, the lower the returns to education. You always need more credentials, which most cannot afford. Instead of capital, losers accumulate frustration.


    Which brings us back to Mr Trump. During the 2016 presidential election campaign, he said: “I love the poorly educated.” It seemed like a crass sentiment. But it appealed to many because it was the opposite of what other politicians would say. Mr Trump’s tweets betray his semi-literacy. He uses the word “their” when he means “there”. He talks of “unpresidented” when he means “unprecedented”. He uses quotation marks where they are not meant to “be”.


    Mr Trump’s antics are a comfort blanket to the cognitive elites. He validates our moral superiority. Yet he eats away at it too. Somewhere in our bourgeois subconscious is the realisation that Mr Trump is no accident. He holds up a cracked mirror to our illusions. When we mock him, he draws strength. When he provokes, we stumble. Yet we cannot help ourselves. He is deeply outrageous.

    特朗普那滑稽反常的举止是知识精英们的一块安抚巾(comfort blanket)。他证实了我们的道德优越感。但他也侵蚀了这种道德优越感。在我们布尔乔亚潜意识中的某个地方,我们意识到特朗普并非偶然。他举着一面破碎的镜子,照出了我们的幻觉。当我们嘲笑他时,他就汲取力量。当他发起挑衅时,我们就犯错误。然而,我们情不自禁。他令人太无法容忍了。

    Therein lies our deepest secret. We need Mr Trump just as he needs us. It is a ghastly symbiosis. Without Mr Trump, there would be no distraction. We might be forced to examine whether we live up to our own values. Do we love the highly educated? Do they deserve by virtue of credentials to be celebrated? Or should we revisit what we mean by a fair society? Answers sought by email or Twitter — but in correct English if you please.


    edward.luce@ft.com 译者/何黎

      上一篇:美国宣布“史上最严”对朝制裁措施 下一篇:沉寂多年的金与正走向台前


