在几乎整个政治生涯中,韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)一直被批评是一个绥靖主义者,欠缺与朝鲜打交道所需的高超外交手腕。
Now the Korean peninsula seemingly stands on the cusp of a breakthrough, with Pyongyang appearing willing to compromise on its nuclear weapons programme — a situation analysts say could not have happened without the quiet, careful diplomacy of Mr Moon.
“Mr Moon should be credited for significantly reducing the risk of war on the Korean peninsula by opening dialogue with North Korea,” says Paik Hak-soon, a researcher at the Sejong Institute.
“文在寅应该受到赞扬,他通过与朝鲜展开对话,大大降低了朝鲜半岛爆发战争的风险,”世宗研究院(Sejong Institute)研究员白鹤淳(Paik Hak-soon)说。
“He has managed to find common interest between the two Koreas . . . He also understands the US dilemma in tackling North Korea’s nuclear and missile problems. It is almost impossible for [US President] Trump to stop North Korea’s missile development without opening dialogue.” he adds.
The challenge now for the South Korean leader will be to successfully hand the baton over to Mr Trump to pursue negotiations with Pyongyang over its weapons programmes.
“If [Moon] orchestrated things in the driver’s seat so far, now he needs to manage and co-ordinate things from the back seat,” says Chung Sung-yoon, a researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification.
“如果说,到目前为止(文在寅)是坐在司机的位置上安排事情,现在他需要从后排座位上处理和协调事情,”韩国统一研究院(Korea Institute for National Unification)研究员Chung Sung-yoon说。
“It requires a different sort of leadership as a mediator and he may face some limits in this new role.”
Since he was elected almost a year ago, the South Korean leader has had to walk a fine line.
A long-time advocate of engagement, he has attempted to build bridges with the Kim Jong Un regime while maintaining policy cohesion with the US — a key ally that has sought to isolate and economically punish Pyongyang for its development of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.
长期以来一直支持采取接触策略的文在寅试图与金正恩(Kim Jong Un)政权建立起桥梁,同时维持与美国的政策统一性——美国是韩国的关键盟友,而美国一直寻求孤立和从经济上惩罚发展弹道导弹和核武器的朝鲜。
The challenge was magnified last month after Mr Moon invited a North Korean delegation to participate in the Winter Olympics Games in South Korea.
上月,在文在寅邀请朝鲜代表团参加在韩国举行的冬季奥运会(Winter Olympics Games)之后,这一挑战变得更为艰巨。
For observers, the invitation risked alienating Mr Moon not only from South Korean voters but also the hawkish political establishment in Washington.
But the move appears to be paying dividends, with an exultant Mr Kim on Monday telling officials from Seoul that his regime was willing to consider denuclearisation and would stop weapons testing during talks.
North Korea regularly reneges on its promises and negotiations with Pyongyang have often proved futile. But the overtures have nonetheless been hailed as a breakthrough on a peninsula that months ago appeared on the brink of war.
For observers, the developments are a result of Mr Moon’s step-by-step diplomacy; in particular, his insistence that denuclearisation be on table before agreeing to a mooted inter-Korean summit next month.
That apparent concession by Pyongyang was essential to ensuring the support and inclusion of Washington in future dialogue.
“[Moon] was wise not to immediately accept Pyongyang’s offer of an inter-Korean summit, instead talking about the right atmosphere and conditions. This was done mindful of the US stance on the talks,” says Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies.
“(文在寅)没有立即接受朝方关于举行朝韩峰会的提议,而是讨论起举行峰会所需的正确气氛和条件,这是明智之举。这是考虑到美国在对话上的立场而做出的举动,”首尔朝鲜研究大学(University of North Korean Studies)的杨武仁教授(Yang Moo-jin)说。
“It is impressive progress that he has managed to extend inter-Korean talks to US-North Korea talks,” he adds.
Seoul’s subtle diplomacy was also evident from the decision to move the inter-Korean summit between Mr Kim and Mr Moon from Pyongyang to the demilitarised zone between the two countries.
This effectively denies Mr Kim the financial and propaganda spoils of hosting a high-profile summit within his borders.
“Holding the summit at the DMZ is also a smart move because it paves the way for making it a regular event. It is not likely to end up being a one-time thing,” says Prof Yang.
If held as planned in April, it would only be the third time the leaders of North and South Korea will have met.
The public also appears to be backing the South Korea’s president efforts. After a wobble during the Olympics, his approval ratings have rebounded as dialogue with Pyongyang has progressed. A recent poll gave him a 66.5 per cent approval rating.
Lee Jung-hyun, a finance professional in Seoul, says he is happy to see South Korea take a leading role in solving the North Korean situation.
首尔的金融专业人士Lee Jung-hyun说,他很高兴地看到韩国在应对朝鲜局势上发挥主导作用。
“I still have lingering doubts about the North’s sincerity about denuclearisation. But at least we are starting to see positive signals. I can give that credit to President Moon Jae-in,” he says.
But analysts warn the next steps are likely to prove more treacherous.
“From now on, things will be driven by the US, and Washington may not do things that Mr Moon likes,” says Mr Chung.
“从现在开始,事情将由美国推动,而华盛顿的所作所为可能不会如文在寅所愿,”韩国统一研究院研究员Chung Sung-yoon说。
“The most important thing to watch is how he will handle South Korea’s relations with the US and North Korea when there is no visible progress in the denuclearisation front.”
Additional reporting by Kang Buseong Kang Buseong补充报道