Here's some background: In 2010, the Council for Education and Research on Toxics filed alawsuit in California with the goal of requiring a warning to coffee consumers aboutacrylamide, a byproduct of the coffee bean roasting process, Time reported. This week, afterprotests from coffee vendors, a judge ruled in favor of the Council, meaning retailers will belegally bound to deliver the bad news.
背景知识如下:《时代》杂志报道,2010年,有毒物质教育和研究委员会(the Council for Education andResearch on Toxics)在加利福尼亚州提起诉讼,目的是要求警告咖啡消费者关于咖啡含有丙烯酰胺一事,丙烯酰胺是咖啡豆在烘焙过程中的副产品。本周,咖啡售卖商抗议之后,法官裁定支持这一委员会,这就意味着零售商将在法律上承担传递坏消息的义务。

But how bad is it really? Because we're really not about to give up our coffee… are we? Acrylamide is formed when certain foods are cooked in certain ways, the American CancerSociety (ACS) explains. Frying, baking, broiling, and roasting at high temps can all cause areaction between sugars and an amino acid in plant products like potatoes, grains, and, yes, coffee, that creates the chemical.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) dubs acrylamide a "probable humancarcinogen." (Bacon and other processed meats, as you might recall, were deemed definitelycarcinogenic.)
Problem is, we don't really know how bad it is to consume acrylamide in food. "We know it hasa risk of causing cancer based on animal studies where they were fed very large amounts ofacrylamide and developed tumors," explains J. Leonard Lichtenfeld, MD, deputy chief medicaloffice at ACS. "But that's not proof-positive it causes cancer in humans. It's consideredsuggestive evidence." To get a better idea, the ACS and other groups have urged researchersto do more studies in this area, he says, but currently, "there is no well-done human study onacrylamide with respect to consumption in food."
问题是,我们不是很清楚从食物中摄入丙烯酰胺究竟有多糟糕。"基于动物研究:动物被喂食大量的丙烯酰胺,患了肿瘤,我们知道丙烯酰胺可能致癌的风险,"美国癌症协会副主任医师J. Leonard Lichtenfeld医学博士解释道。"但这不能证明它能导致人类患癌。这只是启发性的证据。"为了更好的了解,美国癌症协会和其它组织敦促研究员在该领域开展更多实验,他说道,但目前为止,"关于在食物中摄入丙烯酰胺会带来何种影响,还未有完全成熟的人类研究。"